So yeah, it's been a looong time since I've made anything with Anim8or. I've used it to help with my 2D art and animations, but Anim8or hasn't been the full focus of any of my recent projects for years.
Well, recently I was listening to this music while I was at work, and I saw this place in my head. I was walking up some metal stairs, looking up at this big window. There was a ceiling fan hanging from the roof beams, and every single surface was painted landlord-special style in thick, chunky light blue paint. I didn't know where I was, or what it meant, I just knew I had to recreate it.
At first I didn't plan on doing anything super special with it. I was going to do my usual thing and make a simple 3D model to lay the perspective groundwork and then paint over it. But then I decided... I was too tired and lazy to do it that way.
I decided to add the rest of the details and render the image in Anim8or:

And this gave me another idea... I could make one of those Backrooms Found Footage videos! It's not very long, but it's perfect for TikTok and other platforms I post to. With some color correction and effects added in Vegas, I think it turned out great!