Re faces being flipped after lathing, this depends on how you prepare the spline that is rotated/lathed. A lot depends on whether the spline is created to the left or right of the centre line (assuming the lathe will be around the Y-axis) and whether the resulting object will include internal or external angles. In the attachment below, the upper two objects were created from splines drawn to the left of the Y-axis centre line, the bottom two from splines drawn to the right of Y-axis centre line. The normals of the upper object with external angles are 'correct', the next one down with internal angles are reversed. The reverse situation is evident in the lower two objects where the splines were drawn to the right of the Y-axis centre line. I've got into the habit of checking the normals of lathed objects as I can never remember which way they will go

Also, re edge creasing, the Edge Property Editor (accessible by double-clicking an edge in point-edit mode) allows individual edges to be creased or smoothed irrespective of the mesh's Smooth Angle set in the Mesh Editor, though you may need to open the Mesh Editor (double-click the mesh) after changing an edge's properties to see the changes in Smooth view. Importantly, changing the Smooth Angle for the mesh doesn't over-ride any individual edge creases you may have set for the object which is good but means there's no simple 'reset' to clear any individually-tweaked edge creases.