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Author Topic: Color Code or Highlight Mesh Wireframes  (Read 6752 times)


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  • SammyJ Studios
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Color Code or Highlight Mesh Wireframes
« on: December 13, 2023, 01:34:47 pm »

Hi guys, I'm back again working on a project that popped into my head, and I just thought of a solution to a frustration I've had ever since I started making more complex models.

Once the wireframe gets this complex, it gets SO HARD to see what you're doing and fine-tune things in this spiderweb of dots and lines.

So I thought, what if (similarly to bones in weight-painting mode) each mesh could have a randomly-assigned color while in Wireframe view? This would of course be excluding the Pink and Green that we already use to tell if our edges are connected or not. Or alternatively, have the mesh you're currently working on glow in a different color than the rest, the way they do in Object/Edit mode.

I realize this doesn't help when the mesh you're currently working on is so complex on its own, but when you're working on different parts of a body (in my example, adding a beard to a face), it would be SO much easier to see what you're doing if there was some visual distinction between the wireframes of the meshes.