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Author Topic: Possibly Stupid Question for Stephen  (Read 6457 times)

Old Codger

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Possibly Stupid Question for Stephen
« on: March 28, 2024, 03:38:40 pm »

First off, if I ask a "why" question it is purely to understand how something came to be done as/when it was.


My question involves the parameters that can be entered when first creating a sphere. For instance, when I create a lat/long sphere I can specify up to 24 longitude lines but latitude maxes out at 16. May I ask why the difference? And why the (for some things) low limits? (Note: "I don't remember." and "Nunya business." are absolutely acceptable responses.)

When I go to create a geodesic sphere (dome actually for me) the maximum number of "divisions" is 6. Why that number? I'm wondering if it was just a choice or there was a practical/procedural reason for those parameter limits.
(I'll go away now. Stephen, I am in such awe at what you have accomplished with Anim8or that you cannot believe it.)


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Re: Possibly Stupid Question for Stephen
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2024, 11:57:54 am »

It's easy for me to allow largeg limits, but sphere's with that many faces are not really practicle. They take a lot of data and don't noticable improve the apperance when rendered.

One of the most common errors that beginning users make is to add far too many faces. This makes editing objects more difficult and rendering slower. So I set limits to try and help.

You can alway change a sphere into a subdivision object for finer detail, especially when rendering.

Old Codger

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Re: Possibly Stupid Question for Stephen
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2024, 03:55:45 pm »

"You can alway change a sphere into a subdivision object for finer detail"
Thank you for the answer. I've never needed to sub-divide and object - or at least I didn't know that I might. I guess I'll have to experiment with that element of the program. Again, thank you for the answer. I was just being nosey. I always like to know what went on in a real programmer's mind.