First, never use "subdivide faces" to subdivide a model, NEVER! Use "convert to subdivided". With "convert to subdivided" you can revert to the original mesh and continue to make changes while keeping the model smooth (with the method I told you about before.)
As for wireframes, you can actually render them only if your graphics card supports OpenGL 2.0. Mine doesn't so I don't have the option to render wireframes. To render, you'd go "Render>Renderer>OpenGL" then you'd render as you normally do (antialiasing will not affect the model in this render mode.) If the option isn't there, you can't actually render them, so you do as I do: use the printscreen button! ('PrtSc' it should be near the top of your keyboard.) Open your favorite image editing program, paste the image, crop it to a decent size and resize if necessary, then post here! For wireframes, the flat shaded view is preferred. The actual wireframe view is normally VERY confusing, therefore people tend to avoid posting images from that view.