Should i get started on the figure or does the head need more adjustments?
depends what it's going to be? the mouth probably wants a bit of work (make it less square, and a bit darker inside), and it could use some eyelids. and depending on species, it may or may not want some ears. if it's supposed to be something scary, then slant the eyelids down in the middle to make it look more ferocious, and maybe add a couple of little baby fangs.

as a general rule, things like eyes and ears, especially eyes, are proportionally larger in baby creatures than they are in the adults of the same species.
personally, i'd shift the colour a bit more towards pinky-red rather than orangey-red, but thats just a taste difference, i think.
and just as a little side issue, almost_cool, it makes your writing clearer if you leave spaces between your sentences.rather than doing this

sorry to reel off so many things at once - hope you don't feel too swamped!

- colclough