Finished.Thanks for your support.
Spicy: Thanks, that's just the UV map
not going to keep that for the teeth.
RnDr FOX: Thanks. I modeled that with a combination of boxmodeling and edge looping techniques and a nice reference image. Oh, and edge looping! Always important. As for texturing, it was actually quite simple. First I unwrapped the UV's on him, then using photoshop I rendered some clouds then used an overlay layer and found an image of some skin, then overlayed that, added some spots and some texture to them, etc. I tend to use images to help me with my texturing. It's very helpful. Oh, and I have a bumpmap and specular map which can be very helpful. Lastly, no name for this guy, maybe you could think of something
thecolclough: haha, thanks. Well, this model and its textures are very easily changeable. I made the textures with extremely easily editable photoshop files where you can dump a color in a layer and it will change the skin color, or the spots color, or the teeth color or the gums color. So any color scheme is really possible.
You can view my final post with all the information and downloads in this threadAnd here's my final render for you all: