Well I was a bit bored this evening, so I thought I'd have a go at a decent head model - a few hours' work so far, and a decent UV texture hides a multitude of sins. Mostly "drawn" in point editing mode, with some use of the extrusion tool too. It's based on William Hartnell, the first actor to play Dr. Who (that show's something of a recurring theme in my stuff...)
I think the nose is terrible at the moment - I've completely re-done it once already.
I started from one eyelid, bilding a spline, filling it, then drawing outwards in point edit mode, filling in facets, building down towards the mouth, then mirrorred this mesh, joined the two sides, moved points in the Z direction to give depth, kept on slicing and moving points, used a bit of extrusion around the nostrils. The ears were modelled seperately, still need a bit of jiggery-pokery. UV mapped on some textures. The hair is a modified sphere shape - a bit basic but looks the part.
The textures are all photoshop jobs - the skin is taken from an actual photo, the eyes and hair are painted with various PS tricks & filters. The hair has two layers - the outer has a transparency map to give the hair some depth.

by way of a comparison, here's some photos: