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Author Topic: help! how do i make a room.  (Read 13293 times)


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help! how do i make a room.
« on: January 05, 2008, 02:38:11 am »

Hey ive been trying but can not make a room in anim8or. I mean just the walls and floor even maybe the ceiling,windows and door. The other stuff i can probally learn after. Just curious about the room itself.

Can you send me to tutorials or even show me here how to do it.


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Re: help! how do i make a room.
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2008, 03:13:58 am »

Its rather easy to do.....

a very simple room would be like so...

Click the cube icon,
drag the mouse in the window till you get the size shape you want,
while the cube is selected, go to MENU->Build->Convert to Mesh,
then select the Point edit icon and wire frame veiw,
Click the face select tool, and select the face of the cube closest to you, and delete it.

go back to the reguare veiw, and there you have a simple room shell.

to add a door/windows, go back into the point edit, and wire frame view.
view your object from the left, and then select the Cut Faces tool,
drag the line from before the top of the room, to just after the bottom,
make two vertical lines, you want to make them the width of the door/window,
then make a horizontal line 1/4 of the way up from the center of the cube all the way across the two lines you just made,
next click the face select icon, and select the face between the lines you just made, it should resemble a doorway.
to make a window do the same thing, only make two horizontal lines insted of one.

it should look like mine here....   
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Re: help! how do i make a room.
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2008, 05:00:01 am »

Another thing you want to take into account when creating a room is the direction of the 'normals'.  Basically the direction of the faces.  You can create double sided materials, but normally, if you were to make a room that you wanted to render from the inside, you'd want the faces turned inwards.  To do this in combination with Nate Bro's short tutorial, you would drag select all the faces and go "edit>flip normals" or press "shift+n"
To be able to tell the direction the normals are facing, you can figure out by selecting a face.  When the face is yellow you are looking at the front of it, when it's blue, you're looking at the back, simple as that.  Normally you want the front facing you, though as I said before, you can create double sided materials.


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Re: help! how do i make a room.
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2008, 08:05:38 am »

I dont mean to be mean, but its not a hard task... look at the object you are trying to create and then see the shapes that make it.

A room is like 4 or more walls right? So make 4 cuboids and then rotate them to join up. A floor? Well thats another cuboid or plane... the ceiling is the same. For a window you will need to cut out the shape to make it work... add some divisions to the windowed wall and convert it to a mesh, then in point edit mode delete the points to create a hole. Use cuboids to create the window frame

For a door you will probably have to give a cuboid some divisions and then extrude certain bits and model a handle.

But really, just look at the object you are trying to create and then see what forms up to make it.
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Re: help! how do i make a room.
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2008, 07:17:28 pm »

thanks all for the help, I didnt know i could do the above stuff with the program now i do know. But the thing machineman said i tried but couldnt match up the pieces to well.