Thanks guys.

Kahlua17: I forgot to grab some wireframes for you today, I'll post some up tomorrow. I actually did start a few pieces, like part of the nacelle, the lower bridge section, and the torpedo bay as a subdivide object to get the rounding on the edges, then coverted them to meshes. For the saucer section it was just a matter of extruding the top and bottom faces and scaling that face down a bit. I'll also post up the basic pattern I came up with to use for the "aztec"-ing. Basically the process was creating a two-color square pattern by eyeballing the original pattern, then resizing it so it was three times (I think three) longer than it was wide, flood filling the image with the tile, then applying the distortion effect "polar coordinates" to make it round. I'll show you what I mean in a forthcoming post.
Ensoniq, thanks for the advice. I went back and checked it on the other model. All faces were flipped the right way, but when I select them all some are brighter yellow than others, I think there must be some distortion in there some how, some of the points must have gotten moved just a bit. I'll go back and fix or rebuild that one later. I will say one oddity I am getting here with this model is if I load the bump map texture and apply it, it works fine - until I save and re-load the file, then it's doing much the same thing as the other model did. If I then delete that texture and re-load it, it's fine again. Maybe Anim8or is anti-Trekkie. :p
5lider: Yes indeed, Ketzer does some amazing work and if I'm not mistaken all of his stuff is scratchbuilt. That's incredible if you ask me, taking sheets of styrene and melting/sculpting them into studio-quality models. Unbelievable. I referred to his site quite a bit for my Millennium Falcon model as well.
Here's some shots of the partially completed secondary hull, partially completed "neck" and torpedo bay (although I might redo that), and partially completed bridge section.