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Author Topic: REFERENCE IMAGING  (Read 5622 times)


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« on: May 15, 2008, 08:16:54 am »

What exactly is reference imaging and what purpose does it serve.  Is it so that you have an image to hand to which to refer to in order to remind yourself what it should look like or does it actually have a practical value?   


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« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 10:36:46 am »

Firstly: that IS a practical value. Do you know the proportion of an arm that a human's hand takes up? You can sort of eyeball it, say that sorta looks about right, but the best way would be to measure it or:
Secondly: I think the best way to use an image is to trace over it with your points. If you're plotting the points, just follow the lines of the reference. Even for something like box modelling: scale / extrude the points so they follow the reference image.

I really think reference images are essential for making realistic models of things that are difficult to imagine (even the human body, which you probably see every day). if you want something to look real, you really need a reference.


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« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 09:42:50 pm »

reference images are outlines of the thing that you are modeling for example i once mad a horse with a ref image. i googled "horse" and chose a drawing of a horse from the side. then i put the picture in anim8or and box modeled from there. they are definitly a useful tool i find it simplest to use them while i am in poit veiw mode(where the faces are transparent but the edges and points are visible). good luck!!
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