OK, OK I now you all want to know the secret but before I tell you I need to give you a background on why I am doing this. Also this is really good if you have a slow computer like me so if you have a good computer this won't help you as much but those who have a slow one I hope this helps you out a bunch.
BACKGROUND:When I was working on my Saloon I noticed that it would take an extremely long time to load. The reason why is that I had about 7 textures (Got them from CG textures) that were 1.3 megabytes big and bumpmaps that were about the same which would equal to about 18.2 megabytes. It would take about 25 minutes to load my Saloon which was a pain. So then I was on a quest to figure out how to compress the textures but still make them look good and I finally found out.
WARNING: You may find the secret disappointing as I have mentioned before so please don't get mad at me if you already knew this or it was a waste of your time and ect. With that said here is the secret.
THE SECRET:As you may have noticed that most of you had chosen the 2nd one or the third one which made me really happy. What I do is load the texture in Gimp and I change the quality to about 80% to 70% from the original 100%. As you can tell it barely change the image so here are the numbers.
- 1st one - 100% quality
- 2nd one - 80% quality
- 3rd one - 70% quality
Now you may think ok what is the point of changing the quality when I want the best of the best.
My answer is you can still have a good texture by lowering the quality while at the same time lowering the file size which also lowering the loading time.
All the textures are the same its just that I changed the quality on each one.
Here are some more numbers
- 1st one - 1.33 megabytes
- 2nd one - 970 kilobytes
- 3rd one - 730 kilobytes
Sorry for the long post and I hope you all learned something new