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Author Topic: .: X[ @WORK ]X :. Competition At Anim8or.Org!  (Read 7331 times)


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.: X[ @WORK ]X :. Competition At Anim8or.Org!
« on: June 08, 2008, 09:20:18 pm »

.: X[ @WORK ]X :.

For those who don't know, Anim8or.Org has hosted a series of .: XX :. challenges for a while now. This was stopped for a few months in case CG Nation released in the middle of one of the competitions, but now it's definite that we've got time for one or two more before the new site gets put into play.

So what's this mean for you? More stuff to do! These competitions are great for new and old users to participate in. There'll be an actual tangible prize for all the awards this time instead of just for first place (therefore 5 prize winners, details are to be decided and announced at a later date). If you want to learn more, feel free to check this board out:,19.0.html

Note that in order to participate, you must login or register to the forum. Entries posted here won't be judged. Signing up is free and easy, so don't miss out!

Feel free to post any questions or comments here.


Here are some things to take note of and remember:

  • It can be anywhere in any time, past, present, or future, and can take place anywhere, on land, in the air, space, underwater, anything really, but it must be clear that work is done in that area.
  • One should use a logical definition of work. For example, a guy playing Xbox wouldn't portray work. It has to be clear that some kind of work is getting done in the image, such as people working at an office, at a repair shop, a modeler at his work bench, etc. Even elves working on cookies would fit.
  • You are not limited to just humans or humanoid species. It can be any organism or machine that is doing some sort of labor either for hire, for service, for the reason they were made (applies to machines), for their well-being, or for someone else's well-being.
  • You can use any software you like for modeling, texturing, post production, etc.
  • Review the .: X[ Read First ]X :. topic carefully: all work must be done from scratch!
  • You don't have to post your progress as you're completing your entry, but it's recommended.


  • Final Render (required): Must have at least a 1024 pixel width or height. The aspect ratio is up to you, and any size larger is more than welcome.
  • Detail Shot (required): In order for us to better understand the work you've put into your entry, you must submit one (1) image composition that contains wireframe renders, progress shots, close-ups, etc. This image will not be judged, but it will be used to help determine the awards such as best modeling or best texturing. The maximum resolution is 800x1600.


June 28th, 2008 @ 11:59:59 Honolulu Time


The judging is standard, Raxx or another admin will put up a poll to have you, the users, vote for your favorite. At the end of the 20 days, the polls will be put up, and the votes will be tallied to see who wins in each category. The awards are as follows:

  • Best Overall - should follow the 'Work' theme very nicely, should have good models, textures, and a great idea and all the other common Best Overall features.
  • Best Models - Voting on who built the cleanest and most accurate models
  • Best Texturing - Who created the best textures (and materials) and mapped them cleanly onto their models.
  • Post Producer - the image with the best post-production work (such as motion blur, smoke, painting, any features added after the 3d render)
  • Best Concept - voting should focus more on the idea and how it fits the 'Work' theme, more than the technical aspects of modeling, texturing, etc.


As usual, the awards will be icons placed under your avatar once the competition is over.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 05:49:32 pm by Raxx »


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Re: .: X[ @WORK ]X :. Competition At Anim8or.Org!
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2008, 05:49:10 pm »


This .: XX :. challenge will have prizes for each award winner! There is one rule: Only one prize per person.

Overall Winner
Overall Winner May Pick One (1) Prize From This List (Or One (1) From The Award Winner List)*
Silo 2
Hexagon 2.5
Genius 9x12 Professional Graphic Tablet
NVIDIA 8800 GT Video Card
RADEON HD 3870 Video Card
320GB External Harddrive
32GB Flash Drive
Up to 4GB RAM
7.1 MP Digital Camera
openCanvas4.x Plus

Award Winner
The Winner Of Any Other Award May Pick One (1) Prize From This List*
UVMapper Pro
WACOM Bamboo Pen Tablet
3dconnexion SpaceNavigator
Up to 2GB Ram
4GB Flash Drive
Artrage 2.5 Plus

*The Availability Of The Prizes Are Not Guaranteed