Hi again NickiE,
is possible to charger "mesh2path_2.a8s" to duplicate objects
follow sample:

for generate hair, grass etc...
.a8s for download?
(PS: the Standalone Grassgen software don´t work right in rounded objects and axis Y).
I believe then a8s. script work better!!
Thank you!

- Sorry my english ok, i´m not americam

Neirao - Brazil
Attached is the requested script. It copies a mesh along a spline. To use it, you must have a mesh called "copytarget" that will be copied. You must also have a spline called "copypath". After selecting the icon, click in the editor window to make the parametric shape of the copytarget copied along the copypath appear. If you double-click on the parametric shape, the parameters will show:
Center parameter: 1=mesh's centroid follows spline and is the origin of rotation, 0=mesh's own coordinate system's origin follows the spline and is the origin of rotation.
X-Rotate, Y-Rotate, Z-Rotate: degrees of rotation to apply to the mesh before it follows the spline (0 to 360 degrees).
Spacing %: Amount of spacing between copies of the mesh expressed as a multiple of the z-width of the mesh after rotation (0.001 to 10)
Note that the coordinate system of the spline has the z-axis along the spline so the mesh copies are spaced according to the z-width of the mesh after rotations are applied.
Also note that the mesh has its own coordinate system based on the values of its points regardless of how it is displayed in the editor window. Even if you change the orientation and origin of the mesh, it retains its original point values.
*** Remember to convert the parametric shape to a mesh before using it in any other objects, in figures, or scenes. It is totally dependent on the original "copytarget" mesh and "copypath" spline while it remains a parametric shape. As Steve stated: parametric scripts were never intended to work this way. ***
One final note: this script only works with Anim8or 0.97b (or later, when they arrive).
Please try it out and please let me know your feedback.