well, technically it's my third, but the first two were just low-res test versions of this one.
the object is a lowpoly mesh, originally created by selecting all of the faces in an irregularly-shaped object and doing an Extrude Together, then subdivided to 4 working / 5 final divisions. the material is a sort of glass / crystal effect, with the transparent attribute, and IOR 2. the scene includes fog, but that doesn't seem to have rendered. there's just one local light in the scene, with unmemorable settings
the render took nearly 2.5 hours, and used 134614270 rays. apparently. that's what the bit underneath the render window said, anyways.
i have no idea what it's supposed to be, really, it was just my first experiment in ART materials and rendering - i only downloaded 0.97 yesterday - and i thought it looked kinda cool.
.an8 attached in case anyone wants to have a look at it.
- colclough