Steve and us other grateful Anim8or users:
In my opinion, ASL promises to be the next great leap forward in functionality and usability for Anim8or. I know I am (and I assume everyone else is) eager for the next updates in ASL.
I know I have been abusing the parametric scripting abilities by referencing other shapes within an object. I did this in full knowledge that this was bad practice (and why I always do the command script version first). Parametric versions of these scripts are desirable for one main reason: the ability to use the GUI to enter parameters and immediately see the results. To me, this highlights the need for GUI interaction like dialog and message boxes with non-parametric scripts.
I was thinking this topic might be good place for everyone to post their wish list for ASL. I am going to list my wish list in order of preference:
1) Object editor: Dialog boxes for input
2) Object editor: Ability to create and/or access other objects (including morph targets). This would give the ability to simulate physics (cloth movement, fluid dynamics, endless other math based morphing) by creating a series of morph targets.
3) User defined functions and calling other scripts from current scripts passing variables
4) Object editor: Message boxes (although being able to write to console in version 0.97b is awesome!)
5) ASL for scene mode, then sequence mode, then figure mode.
If you would be so kind, Steve, could you please give an update on the status of ASL?