In response to a request from Kreator:
This script outputs to the console two controller scripts - one for position and the other for orientation - generated from reading the position and orientation components of a path.
This script requires Anim8or 0.97b or later.
The generated controller scripts must be cut and pasted from the console window (debug window) into the "Expression" areas of the controller of the scene element you wish to control. NOTE: this is necessary because Anim8or 0.97b broke the file export abilities. Normally one would export these generated scripts to a text file, but the console is the only output currently available. It is recommended that the properties of the console window be altered to allow more lines to be buffered. Do do this:
1) Right-click on the title bar of the "Anim8or Debug Output" window, select "Properties"
2) On the "Layout" tab, increase the "Screen Buffer Size" to some large value (like 1000)
The number of frames that it should take to traverse the path must be placed into an integer attribute called "framesperpath" created in the object that contains the path. If you want the path repeated continuously during the entire length of the the scene, an integer attribute called "repeat" must be created and set to 1 (set to 0 for no repeating).
Detailed instructions on usage:
1) Draw the path in a new object that you want followed
2) Go to Object->Attributes...
3) Select "New"
4) Type the name "framesperpath"
5) Select "Int" type
6) Type the number of frames for the path traversal
7) Select "New" again

Type the name "repeat"
9) Select "Int" type
10) Type either "1" for repeat or "0" for no repeat
11) Be sure the path is selected
12) Scripts->Run Scripts->path_to_controller.txt
The two scripts will be shown in the console window ready to be cut-and-pasted into the controller expression areas of the element you wish to follow the path.
Please let me know your feedback.