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Author Topic: Colored textured materials  (Read 5642 times)


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Colored textured materials
« on: July 17, 2008, 03:20:30 pm »

Hi ! I'm new on this forum, but I am using anim8or for a long time for modeling spacecraft for Orbiter Flight Simulator. I really like it for that use ! I used old version 0.90 until I found that there were (a lot of) new versions of this program ! ;)

But I had the following materials problem with these new relesease (0.95 - 097) : with the version 0.90, I can apply a diffuse texture in the material editor with any color. For example, I chose a wood texture and I set it in red. When I apply the material to the mesh, I have a red wood material.

With the new versions (0.95-0.97), the color (here red) is not applied on the materials. So I get a mesh with only a wood texture that is not red and I can't adjust the color.

Does someone could explain what is the change ? Thank you !

Maybe I missed a lot of conversation about that point, even I'v searched a little bit. And sorry for my english... As you can see, it is not very good :-\.


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Re: Colored textured materials
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2008, 03:10:58 am »

Never mind, as long as we can understand each other.
I don't think you missed much, in textures dialogue how much percent does the diffuse channel take, if you see 100 then there's  your problem, just reduce to a smaller number so the color can also effect it.

And be sure to read the manual.


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Re: Colored textured materials
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2008, 11:23:36 am »

somtimes it comes out difernt after you render it, have you tried that?
realisim is for reality


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Re: Colored textured materials
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2008, 12:33:05 pm »

Never mind, as long as we can understand each other.
I don't think you missed much, in textures dialogue how much percent does the diffuse channel take, if you see 100 then there's  your problem, just reduce to a smaller number so the color can also effect it.

And be sure to read the manual.

Ok, that was the problem ! Thank you very much ! In fact, I had to set "Use shaders" in view->preferences to really see the color in my work space, and not only when I render de scene. :D

I don't know why It didn't work like that in previous version. ???

Anyway, now I can use 100% of anim8or new versions ! Thank you again !