thanks guys
I was known as speed modeller im sure Raxx can back me up on that also technically i only wrote small portion of the script and asl exporter did all technical numbers for me "i did not type in a single coordinates"

(f8ce is only 1 low poly model with morph targets)
just check trinity export script to see how much time it really takes

the f8ce-dev script is based off trinity apart from it can read infinite amount of morphs instead of just 3
sorry delay in update but training a siberian husky atm but soon as its safe to leave it on its own with out it chewing every thing in sight i will try complete the model
some changes i have been thinking of
~ instead of going from morph A to B to C should i change method into a morph X morph Y morph Z of each region in attribute editor
~ i dont think there is any default-max-min restrictions in attributes !
~ can attributes and controller scripts be linked !?
~ parameter i should leave key facial features as parameters like nose type, lips type,!..skull type fat , thin,smooth angle ect
~ im going to leave out genitalia
~ do nipples class as nudity ?
~i haven't thought about attributes and making them up as im typing just now
brow up/down y
brow narrow/broad x
nose y scale
nose z scale
nose narrow/bloated x
nostril narrow/wide x
nose tip piglet/drooped y
cheek raised / lowered y
cheek narrow/wide x
upper lip thick y
upper lip forward z
mouth wide short x
lower lip thick y
lower lip forward z
chin short /bruise foresight y
chin in / out z
chin square / round x
jaw narrow broad x
jaw forward/back z effects chin positions to !
shoulder broad / narrow x
should beefed / flat z
chest (ribb cage) y scale
spine curved stiff z
gut flat / bubbled z-x (edge loops set for six pack but !left out for modellers preference to model inset them)
hips x
rear end z
rear end y
crouch !... x region space between leg bulge z droop y
upper leg y
muscle z-x
lower leg y
muscle z-x
ankle x
foot z
upper arm x (!model in scare crow position)
muscle z-y
lower arm x
muscle z-y
hands .... this list may change as problems unseen problems maybe found
thin - fat
eye presets unsure how to approach eye editing yet ?
nose presets like we have already
lip presets fine tweek to V shape on upper lip !
smooth angle (mesh properties)
yes you are wright this may take some time haha , ill probably start topic in WIP forum so community can assist in the base models completion after all its intended for the an8 community