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Messages - B_twist

Pages: [1]
ASL Scripts / Re: Spiral shapes: cave, cone
« on: April 13, 2016, 05:11:45 pm »
Raxx - I've read through your post for Attributes.  The second plugin I started for the spiral cone-ribbon will need to use most of the existing parameters plus 5 others defined in the new plugin.  Eccentricity of X:Z ratio and inputs for 'POW(n, exp)' for height and lateral growth.   
   I haven't played with the attribute function to see if I can use both quaternion and point3 fields.  I presumed not because bringing up the attribute GUI only allows one type. 

   This is where I need to remind users that you've created tools for cleaning up extra points.
I've cleaned up the 'Spiral_0' plugin and will give it a new icon and name.  Next up is reworking the 2nd plugin to read the mesh points and 'parameter-points'. 

ASL Scripts / Re: Spiral shapes: cave, cone
« on: April 08, 2016, 01:23:03 pm »
Sorry to those who downloaded the spiral_0 and Spiral_Ec files.  I had them in my Scripts directory and didn't verify that they may only be a partial work in progress.
I'm reworking the method used to pass parameters between two or more plugins.  The plugin will only return one mesh-shape and attempting to modify a separate second mesh won't work with one plugin.  The new method will be to reserve the first six points (index 0 thru 5) for parameter data.  Then start vertexes at index number 6.
   the main drawback is that you will see stray points in the wire-frame editor.  Also I will reformat the option for file output to be '%f $tab   description', so that other software can simply read the first value of each line for a predetermined structure.

ASL Scripts / Spiral shapes: cave, cone
« on: March 30, 2016, 03:06:57 pm »
I modified Bob IT's cone plugin years ago into a spiral.  Then, because there wasn't enough parameters available I made a second plugin to modify the previous one. 
Yes, you can use multiple plugins to modify a single parametric shape. 
Build the spiral cone using 'Spiral_0' plugin then use 'Spiral_Ec.a8s' for changing eccentricity to the cone shape. 

Plugin S_Tunnel builds a 6 sided tunnel in spiral direction.  Modify height, width of tunnel; rate of climb, rate of radius increase or decrease, CCW/CW rotation, Tunnel twisting. 

ASL Scripts / Icon Maker - Excel version
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:56:20 pm »
I found it easy to generate hex numbers for Anim8or icons using a spread sheet.  And I made a dummy plugin to test the code, months before it occurred to me how to use the scatter chart in excel to see results.
Both IconMaker excel spreadsheet and ICON_Test.a8s are included. 
File 'IconMakerText'.text contains formulas for building the excel spreadsheets.
I hope noobs can benefit from these. 

ASL Scripts / Re: Mesh to Mesh Morphing Hack
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:45:14 pm »
Looks like I'm late to the party.
My method is to use a a couple of tools for merging meshes.  Script to dump points and faces into text files. Then, copy data into spreadsheets.  Merging points is the easy one.  Merging faces requires using an offset counter. 
Script title 'Mesh_Face_Dump.a8s'  excel file is Merge_MeshFace.xls (97-03) version.  I've been putting instructions in Column A of the spreadsheets.   
You can have unconnected meshes merged into one big mesh in the object workspace.

Yes. Assembly is required for merging faces in the spreadsheet.  Formulas are included in the instructions.

ASL Scripts / Re: IconCreator for ASL
« on: March 29, 2016, 02:32:29 pm »
My method for making icons is to use an excel spread sheet to generate hex code for Anim8or plugins.
a separate tab-worksheet to show a small picture.  I have the formulas in a text format for people to build their own workbooks. 

General Anim8or Forum / Morphing and wheel
« on: May 27, 2014, 05:51:02 pm »
Objectives:  Attempt to fill in some missing information for Noobs when they try the "Flag Tutorial" and best practice for starting your morphshapes.
Then add an advanced technique to combine a wheel and morph-shapes.

You may have noticed that after the first you use the 'Morph Targets' function the
list of morphshapes is:
   '-- none --'
    We have the original dataset of '--none--' and a set of offset points with a shapename 'morph01'.  The set of points in the Object for shapename 'morph01' are only those points that have moved and the vector of displacement for that specific point. 
The set will be empty if you don't move any points. 

   The '--none--' shape can be edited in the point editor.  Keep in mind that any of the morphshapes that contain the points you move will be moved because they are referenced off the baseline set of points which are the object.  Morphshape '--none--'  is displayed in the Scene Editor when all the other shapes are turned off in the timeline. 
Let say you change point number 1 from (0 2 0) to (1 2.5 0) in the Point Editor. All of the "morphXX" datasets that contain point 1 will be changed  by the same amount the Scene editor.

     Each time you create a 'new --' Morph Target, and shapename, you are adding a new dataset of offset points called morphoffsets in your Anim8or project.  Anim8or makes transition from one set of points to another in the scene editor depending upon how you sequence the order of shapenames as you to turn them on/off.  Mathematically the morphshape is Baseline + SCALE * morphoffsets.  The Scene Editor is used to change the scale multiplier of the morphoffsets in the Scene timeline.  The flag tutorial changes values between zero and one, but you can use -2 to +2 just as well. The video displays a rod with scale values greater than one and negative values on the width.

     Now remember back to the flag demo.  You started with a flat flag and then modified it to make wave shapes.  The '--none--' shape is your flat baseline (Object) that is displayed when all the other shape-names are scaled to zero (turned off).   You could have started the flag with a single bump prior to the first time you activated the  "Morph Targets + new" function.  Then add/move bumps for each new morphshape.  This would give you an object without a flat surface flags in your animation.  Keep it simple and less work to accomplish the same action.
The Morphing function only works on meshes.   Animator artists will need to use other methods to animate parametric shapes and meshes at the same time.  See advanced methods below.

  Several things happen in the background and in your project when you use the Morph Target function for the first time on a mesh.
          a new command line for data is created  >  morphoffsets { "morph01"  }  <
          and a list-name              >  morphtarget {    name { "morph01" }  }  < 

Processes 1:    Preferred process.
1) Open the Point Editor   
2) Main Menu Function > Build + Morph Targets + New ---   
2.2) Rename the morphshape to something meaningful to you.
    Some of us use sequence numbering because that's what the order will be
in the Scene editor.  Many types of movements don't follow a sequential order, so be
3) Move points or surface(s) to the desired location(s)
4) Repeat steps 2 through 3 as needed for your object.

Combine a parametric shape and morphsets. 
  You can have a mesh and parametric shape, Wheel in this example, doing different things in the same object.

1  Create two new objects
2  Make a cylinders in each new object
2.2  Cylinder01 (Wheel) change lat: = 1. Start and end radius 8 units. Length 2.  This will be a wheel. Don't convert it to a mesh for this simple experiment.
2.3  Cylinder02 (hopper) Change the lat = 2, orientation, position etc to be what you want to see in the Scene Editor. 
2.3.2  Convert Cylinder02 to a mesh.
2.3.3  Morph Target + new--  Choose an end set of points and move them.
      We will be using the scale function to grow and shrink the cylinder.  (OPTIONAL)  Add a second morphshape to bend the cylinder or make it fat.

3  Figure Editor: add two bones to the root.
3.2  One bone for the wheel axial. (Rotation Z-axis used in demo)
3.2.2  Set Y-axis rotation to unlimited.
3.2.2  Attach the wheel object to the axial.
3.3  Position the second bone in the Y-direction (or x-direction)
3.3.2  (OPTIONAL) add rotation movement to the second bone.
3.3.3  Attach the second cylinder02, the morphset, to the fixed bone02.

4  Sequence Editor: Select the figure you just made in steps 3.
4.2  Set Frames to 48, or more.
   You wont see the morpsets in the sequence editor.
4.3  Turn the "Key" green make add start adding "addkey" values for the wheel.
   eg. Frame and value pairs (Frame,Value) (0,0) (11,90) (24,180) (36,270) (47,352.5)
    Dont worry if your wheel jumps backward. We will fix this in the Scene editor by using the graph editor and pull the knots into a more favorable value.
4.4 (OPTIONAL) Add values to the vertical bone if you permitted it to rotate.  Your morphing mesh will move with the bone in the Scene editor.

5 Scene Editor:
5.1 Bring in the Figure.
5.2 Attach the sequence to the figure. You only see bones so far.
5.3 Jump to the Object editor and back to the Scene editor.
  You should see the morphsets appear in the list of things to activate of the timeline.

5.4) Now you can turn on/off each morph-shape, Change rotation speed of the wheel and move the entire object in the usual ways.
5.5  Use the Graph editor to make the wheel spin at a constant speed by moving the knots at the peaks horizontally.  You can also use the graph editor to change how morphsets transition into each other by changing the knots in the same way you changed them for the wheel.  See other tutorials for more instruction on using the graph editor.

ASL Scripts / Re: ASL Scripts Database
« on: August 03, 2012, 12:57:55 pm »
Plugin for extruding point meshes is ready for peer review testing.  zip file contains the readme file and plugin. 
Program: E_track
Author: Brian Heath (B_twist)
Description:  Extrusion program to make a shape from meshes made with the POINT editor.
Both profile and path mesh must be point meshes.  See readme file.
Testing as been sucessfull for paths in the XY plane and YZ pllane.  Profile mesh must be made in the XY-plane. 

ASL Scripts / Re: ASL Scripts Database
« on: July 27, 2012, 10:56:19 pm »
Raxx,  I have started my own extrusion plugin for point meshes.  A controll freak like me likes to use the knife and fix meshes prior to extruding them.
  A preliminary test program and readme file are available at: 1. E_track
2. Brian Heath (B_twist)
OR follow root to 'club photos'  then to 'Anim8ion' folder. 
4. A script to extruded meshes. See readme file for directions.
5. The files are on a sharepoint website until the admins say otherwise. 
6. will add the 30x30 jpg to next post
  Many debug print statements are still in this 'inwork' code. (slightly user brutal.)
I'm looking for peer review and to make how much more programming is desired before final release to the general Anim8or community. 

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