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Messages - larvaman

Pages: [1]
ah, I have a doubt about facebook.

There are two facebook profiles within Anim8or named. The profile that says "Anim8or Studio" is for you or not?


ok. I only speak English style "tarzan" because my English is not very good.


Hola :D

Soy larvaman e invito a las personas que se pasean por aqui, sin entender mucho ingles, que nos agrupemos en los foros de Anim8or mas a menudo y compartamos opiniones en el foro especializado en la materia.

Nos vemos!!!! ;)


Hello  :D

I larvaman and invite people who walk through here without understanding much English, which we gathered in Anim8or forums more often and share opinions on the special forum on the subject.

See you!!  ;)

(translated with Google Translate)


General Anim8or Forum / Re: problems with the terranim8or
« on: September 22, 2009, 06:48:28 pm »
yes, I've downloaded this version of terranim8or, and even I have translated this manual background video, because I do not speak English, I translate with google alone, but still I think I made a mistake in one step of the instructions.

If there is anyone here having the same problem, or what had, and achieving it, please help me.


General Anim8or Forum / problems with the terranim8or
« on: September 21, 2009, 06:03:46 pm »
Friends, I am working on putting a sequence of images within an Anim8or file and make it function as a video within the program Anim8or. The problem is that does not work, instead of charging all sequences, just load an image, which is the first of the sequence, for example beto000.JPG.

I have tried in every way possible to see all sequences, but that would assign each frame to each image within Anim8or, one by one ,!!!!!!!!!  >:(

Ah! I forgot a funny thing. created in Anim8or sequence shows me that all tables have the same texture image, or beto000.JPG.
You can only view this image in the first box, but the rest of the pictures simply NO!  >:(

Help, please.  :-[

Larvaman ??? ??? ???

Pages: [1]