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Messages - maxxarcher

Pages: [1]
Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Selection in Object/Edit mode
« on: July 04, 2008, 07:03:41 am »
Drastic? Hardly I think, it would actually be more intuitive and userfriendly. Moreover, most 3D (and 2D) programs/suits work like this, which would make life another bit easier when switching between programs...

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Selection in Object/Edit mode
« on: June 27, 2008, 09:09:15 am »
Hi Steve,

Iīve been using Anim8or off and on since version 6.something and always wondered why selection of an object gets switched off when an edit button gets selected. Currently Iīm toying around with a lot of small objects trying to create a mockup for a real-world project Iīm working on. Lots of moving and resizing going on, meaning either a lot of keyboard handling or a mouse pointer running around the screen jumping back and forth between selection/editing buttons and objects.
Why not have the selection mode always active, next to a selected edit mode? It seems obvious to me that when an object has already been selected, the selected edit mode is active. When not selected, selection takes place. Extra option: when both selection buttons are depressed, the edit mode is locked and accidental re-selection is not possible.

I always ignored this logic, until I had a shoulder operation last week which immobilizes my left arm for the time being. The keyboard/mouse handling suddenly becomes quit obvious...

Cheers, Maxx

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Enhancement NEAR Z-limit
« on: June 17, 2008, 10:39:38 am »
Hi Steve,

Could the NEAR Z-limit be changed to accept values as low as 0.001? I work with Poserīs very tiny Wavefront objects which always get clipped when zoomed in. Rescaling would obviously do the thrick, but that creates extra scale problems when importing the objects back into Poser as morph targets.

A bug in this respect: when the clipping occurs, normal sized Anim8or objects persistantly get clipped too, even after closing all scenes and creating a new one. Reset to "defaults"? Only a program restart cures the problem now. Poser for example has a preferred launch state for each scene which can be set in itīs preferences, "factory defaults" or "user default". The later can be set by saving the current settings for a scene.

Cheers, Maxx

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