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Topics - pixidou

Pages: [1]
Finished Works and Works in Progress / How to organise my animation?
« on: July 09, 2010, 07:48:07 am »
Hi anim8ors!!!

Last year, i did a few animation in ANIM8OR, which i considered "need to be improve a lot".
I got many problems in making of my clips where I spent lot of times in learning through this helpful forum.
In every clips i spent most of the time in testing materials, textures, lights, and rendering setup saving in new file name.

On finishing my clip, i find myself in a big mesh of files,folders and backups which i have worked with, during the animation. Now it's hard for me to decide which one to delete or to keep. It became difficult for me to re-organize my work.

You anim8or friends could you please share, how do you start your project and proceed until the end concerning data organising.

General Anim8or Forum / Movie spec Editor?
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:58:04 am »
Hi everyone!!!
I've completed my animation project which will be in High Quality DVD movie. Now its time to render the movie. I'll be using ART Ray Tracer. For video editing, am using Sony Vegas Pro8.

Could you please help me selecting:
1- the image size in the Movie spec Editor fit for DVD.
2- video compression and configuration
3- in Sony Vegas, which video setting to choose.

Please help, am confused!!!


I want to use texture for lip sync in my model. My problem is i have to change the texture frame by frame and then render it to image (i can't render to movie). Is there a way or any script to change the texture of an object dynamically.

thnx for your help...

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