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Topics - Bob

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Object editor problem
« on: January 01, 2010, 12:08:15 pm »
What am I doing wrong?
I am point editing in Object Editor; trying to move a point in Z of object coord. I get only too big steps with the mouse and microscopic steps with the arrow keys. Snap to grid is off. I also tried snap to grid with really small grids and still got the monster big steps.
Moving in x,y is fine. I have tried from several view angles, zoom in/out.
Hoping this is something simple I have forgotten.

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Steve, could you ...
« on: May 10, 2009, 07:49:42 pm »
Since v0.97 is "in work" ...

Wondering if the object list window could be made re-sizeable and cntl-C copy-able.

Motivation: I have some very complex *.3ds files with lots of objects. They import perfectly (kudos). I want to make a paper list and text file so I can keep track of them, add notes, yada yada.

I went so far as to download the AutoDesk 3D studio max 30-trial version. There object list box is resizeable and will alphabetize ... but it can't be copied. Maybe you could really trounce them by adding stats like number of verts, faces, time stamp, etc  ... with the whole lot sortable on any column.

Bob ;D ;D
ps Thank You for the wonderful anim8or experience

General Anim8or Forum / I'd like to see ...
« on: May 02, 2009, 07:59:54 pm »
I am currently using anim8or as a 3D CAD tool in its own right. I'll be using the output as 3D models (rather than pictures or animation).
I have some 3D models from 'other sources' that translate into anim8or just fine. Some do seem to have way more detail than I need. I have used merge faces without any problem.
What I am wondering if there is, or could be an automated way to find faces smaller than some tolerance; or points closer than some distance ... or maybe find the smallest XX% or closest.
Bob ;D

General Anim8or Forum / Newbee
« on: May 02, 2009, 07:51:55 pm »
I'm Bob.

I found this wonderful tool some years ago. GREAT PROGRAM. THANK YOU.
I have not used it in a while, but it is coming back.

Bob ;D

Pages: [1]