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Topics - Hypure

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General Anim8or Forum / poly groups/ vertex groups
« on: June 20, 2016, 08:13:32 pm »
Can I create groups in anim8or?   that has been my biggest problem when trying to use materials and UV...  If I have allot of polys and I want to add ONE to a material group I have to select them all.   So a group would be handy if not only to select everything in a material group quickly....OR just selecting polygroups by material, that is what I'm trying to do.

I'm wondering whether it makes a difference or not to decrease the size of a large environment and objects to stay within draw distance and therefor require adjustments to the camera parameters, OR is it better to stay with set camera  perimeters and keep the large environment large and therefore adjust draw distance (clipping)?......  I hope that makes sense....... In other words if I make a huge environment small, then I have Giant cameras, but my making the cameras smaller (decreasing z-near, increasing z-fare), I get the feeling it's the same thing as increasing clipping distance.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / detail vs. simplicity
« on: February 21, 2016, 06:53:59 am »
I must say I love to make me a detailed dead tree.   the pealing bark, the intricate detail to branches and what do you have left?  Something almost worthless in animation.   Trees are usually in forests and forests have hundreds of trees.  So,... Have fun with your trees, but simplify them and save them as a different model.   That way you have something manageable while in Scene mode.

General Anim8or Forum / Siplified shadow workaround for complex objects
« on: February 02, 2016, 07:21:49 pm »
My next project involves a large environment with lots of pngs used as "cheats" for large objects-that are problematic- they don't cast shadows.  Another problem (that I also had in Worm hole) was with very complex objects like the robot I had to turn the shadow off, but everything else pretty much worked fine with shadows ON in the scene....  This got me thinking of a workaround, preferably I could use a second simplified object (like a stick figure) and parent it to the robot and set it to cast shadows FOR the robot, that is assuming that a hidden abject could cast shadows.... but it can't, nor can "clear" objects.   This could STILL work if everything was slightly smaller then the parent object thus remaining hidden...Yet i can't do that for the PNG objects.

Any ideas?

P.S. art simply crashes in the scene with all the PNG's.... When referring to lights volume is much quicker then ray traced, which I require with all that I need to do,  and I noticed it renders shadows more completely (such as logs inside a fireplace also casting instead of being skipped) then ray traced.   I will also probably end up doing allot of image sequence compositing when possible due to the complexity of scenes....don't know if that info helps.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Precise topo map
« on: January 28, 2016, 07:18:03 pm »
I wanted to share this because it was useful and took some development.  You can do as I describe here for precision or use your spray can in your paint program to produce a quick topo map but it is much less precise..

I made the topographicalgrayscale.JPG WITHOUT the BLENDING to start out with. (I lost that version).... It was more impressive BUT the blended version is what is important.   Making the topo map with solid shapes layer by layer  will give a precise version of what you have in mind.  Use a paint program to pixelate your final version then take another pass using fragment blur to create a JPG image that can then be used in 3dPAYSAGE to create your custom topo map.  (leave roads on a seperate layer so they don't blend) The gray scale image here can help you determine the levels of gray in 3dpaysage.

I would have provided the final 3d model but it is just as easy as uploading this JPG I provided to 3dpaysage and set the perimeters to 200 by 200! 8)

What you see in the "bottom view" consists of 3 bowls,  the ground, sky and clouds.   They are first set up as one object then copied individually and added into 3 separate objects, and later added into the scene.

Easy 360 degree horizons, oceans, cities.  Here is a quick way of doing it all.

You can use your non-uniform-scale-tool to adjust depth of your ground layer uniformly- which effects your horizon lines height.  You can also change the texture to sand, then add another bowl, add a water texture, make this bowl very shallow and align the top with the horizon of the ground and you have an ocean with depth.  You will need to adjust the depth of your water bowl and the # of your texture tiling to give the allusion of distance. 

The sky layer is a solid color and can be left as is to produce a horizon line best for oceans as seen in "world dome".  In the picture "ground layer ends stood up horizontal" the top-most points have been selected and first raised, then the Non-uniform-scale-tool used in top view to stand them up horizontal.  You can then add tillable buildings/mountains/or maybe a tree line to surround your scene.  If you have a fourth ocean layer made you can tile a island.  Experiment with different layers and image types (png) to create these effects.   Remember when using PNG on your sky or distant objects use "final" for your ALPHA mode. To do this go to your material-texture-MD menu, there you will see "Alpha Mode".

As seen in "almost no sunset", and "more sunset", using non-uniform-scale-tool to adjust the height of the sky bowl adjusts where the global shading is on the object, effecting  the sunset.   I will have to ask Steve if there is a better way of doing this.

I will reply here with the texture files for the Anim8or save! 8)

Sorry I didn't finish my sentence before, ill try again....
My intention is to navigate through (scene and object mode) with look capabilities....  I use the mouse "roller" to get close to my origin in perspective, but then (Alt+right click drag mouse forward) is VERY unresponsive and i'm all but immobile.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Code name "Ded Nite"
« on: January 18, 2016, 01:12:08 pm »
Here is the house the carnage takes place, very early stage of course.  The is a dramatic tale of a young family at the end of a troubled weekend..... With a surprise ending.   I don't want to give too much away, but I need a shovel-cat/caterpilar, trees, bushes, a 2nd house-"in the middle of construction", and an 18 wheeler.  If your interested in modeling any of this let me know! Credit will be given  ;D I'm shooting for a July release date.   8)

This is a cartoon related to the movie The Thing, loved that show and hoped there would be a sequel in space... There was a prequel and that was awesome, but still not in space!  The full cartoon I hope to finish this week.   All environments and modeling were built and rendered completely in Anim8or!  ;D

General Anim8or Forum / connecting a point to an edge, removing points
« on: January 01, 2016, 11:06:54 pm »
Is it possible to connect a point to an edge creating two edges?  And Is it possible to remove points without losing an edge?

I thought in scene mode I could click the work space with current tool and it would lay down a keyframe for current position, I thought Anim8or did this but not anymore? 

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Working on a short story
« on: December 14, 2015, 01:04:49 pm »
Hope to have it done soon, here is a location for one scene.  Stools don't work good in sand but it's not real. :P

General Anim8or Forum / Exporting figure with object
« on: November 23, 2015, 06:02:46 pm »
I assumed it was part of the 3ds save with export object but apparently not.   I want to edit a object/figure in a separate document.  So in other words I want to import everything I rig into my main project.   I have checked the manual and forums-- can't find anything.  Thanks.

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Rendering image resets undo feature
« on: November 23, 2015, 05:31:32 pm »
After smoothing an image I like to render to check how things turned out and sometimes it is very bad.  That is when I learned the hard way there is no undo!  oops.   

General Anim8or Forum / Anim8or program list page-broken links
« on: November 15, 2015, 08:56:45 am »
There are several broken links notably to the geocities pages.   I am interested in the waterfall/particle generator script and the realistic water script.   Has anyone taken the time to find safe sources to those missing scripts/programs?  Thanks.

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