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Topics - Tivoilos

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Rendering 2D Graphics with Anim8or
« on: September 11, 2008, 08:17:51 pm »
Anyone on here know or good at making 2D Graphics with Anim8or I am working on a 2D Isometric ORPG and I need a artist.

Or if someone could point me in the direction on how to make 2D Graphics that will work just fine too, but I am not looking for pixel graphics anymore.

General Anim8or Forum / Forbidden Studios[Non-Paid]
« on: May 06, 2008, 10:01:24 am »
Hello all!

Well, I've decided that I can not do the Art for my game so I am looking for 3D Artists.

Project Information:
Able to customize your Character(Name, Hair, Race, Tattoos)
Able to make Gangs, Motorcycle Clubs, Organized Crime Family(Mafia) 
Able to Steal, Buy cars
Able to buy clothing, weapons, & other things
The Game is based in a few Cities; New Mark City, Los Heaven, & Las Vegus

That is a basic overview of the game, I hope to have a very simple version out by this fall

What the project needs:
3D Modelers(Character Design)
3D Level Editors(Design the Cities)
3D Misc Editors(Items, Accessories, etc)

Team over lay
Andrew(me)Project Manajor/Programmer(Soon to get a full time programmer)

Thats about it so if your interested let me know

I am working on a Website where all this information will be displayed


Pages: [1]