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Topics - leuat

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Animated models for Polly needed
« on: December 16, 2008, 02:35:28 pm »
So! During a 2 day code frenzy, I've managed to implement stale support for animated objects in Polly. However, as liban8 (not yet?) supports bones, I decided to implement the simplest possible thing first: keyframes. This is done by "compiling" several .an8 or .3ds-files to a Polly resource-file: .ply. This chunked file format will be the base 3d/terrain/item/whatever resource for polly, but is still in early development version.

Anyway. This ".ply compiler" can be used for adding several (euqal-sized) objects together, where the user can define "key"-paths. These paths tells Polly which objects to interpolate between (for instance in a walk, death etc)

Hence, my problem. This preliminary version now works like a charm, but I am completely incompetent when concering 3d object design. And i really need animated objects for debugging and testing the game engine. So if any of you chaps could supply me with a monster or two, I would be very thankful. Heck, this monster might even be included in the final first version, if it doesn't suck too much.

Note: ALL objects must contain the SAME amount of vertices / the same faces. They should only be different
poses of the same object, preferalbly done with bones!

What I need is the following:

 A "walking" cycle: at least 3 objects
 A "dying" cycle : at least 1 object
 An "attack" cycle: at least 2 objects

the object should contain about 500 polys, no more than a thousand... can contain as many materials as you wish.

Also, the name of the texture used should be typed in the "diffuse texture" box in the materials settings. This
texture name will be the identifier within Polly for this specific texture.  You can choose your own name, but try to make it unique ("HI" is not unique. "Flesh_red_gory_001" is unique).


General Anim8or Forum / Polly updates
« on: November 30, 2008, 10:59:49 am »
Development of the Polly 3D engine with anim8or support has been resumed. Information, screenshots, comments and free women can be obtained at

General Anim8or Forum / The terrific Polly game engine thread
« on: May 23, 2008, 08:05:44 am »
So. Noticing how some people might be eager to try out the Polly engine whenever it will be released, I decided to start this new thread in order to set up som commuication between the omnipotent coder (yours truly) and  eventual future users.

For those of you who are yet blissfully ignorant, Polly is a home-brewed OpenGL 3D terrain engine written in C++ by a disgrunted PhD student who really should get some proper work done soon. Some screenshots can be found at a preliminary site here :

Now, Polly currently uses .an8-files to populate the world with monsters, forests, houses, more monsters and mushrooms. Unfortunately, the author of Polly is *not* an adept 3d modeller, so the game world is currently populated with (free) .3ds-objects from turbosquid and a couple of eggplant forests / badly designed monsters. However, Polly employs various anim8or object propertes such as bump mapping, specular lightning, ambient etc etc, but does not yet support object animation. I have a todo-list from hell, and will hopefully release version 0.10 for public download within this very summer (which will be very very user friendly + support object animation + opengl sound and other usefull stuff)

Until then: if you have questions, wishes, ideas, comments, tips, requests or women to share, please do so in this thread.

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