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Topics - piotrsofts

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / 3D modelling packages?
« on: July 03, 2008, 09:22:18 am »
HI, im new ;)
my dad is an architect, he doesnt have much time to tell me stuff about 3d packages so im asking u people!
He has 3DS MAX, MAYA, AutoCad. i asked him to let me use one of his tools, he let me use 3ds max like 2 months ago. i can make pretty descent models, but he told me to use some of the easier and free packages to learn some 3d.
He told me to try blender but after a week, i still didnt know how to connect the vertices and putting materials on. I found
Anim8or just yesterday and i cant do nearly nothing! can you advise me if i should try Anim8or more or just carry on with 3ds Max (i want to be a designer or architect when im older :)) so please! :P

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