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Ian Ross has just released a book on Anim8or. It's perect for a beginner and a good reference for experienced users. It contains detailed chapters on every aspect, with many examples. Get your own copy here: "Anim8or Tutorial Book"

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Topics - Roy_Raimi

Pages: [1]
Like I have this mesh file I want to open in anim8or so I can edit it and stuff, but it would'nt allow it. So I tried renaming it from "test.mesh" to "test.an8" but it says everytime I try to open it
says "Error reading file" Is there any way to convert other meshes, so I can open and edit it in anim8or?

General Anim8or Forum / Mesh ID?
« on: February 09, 2009, 04:23:01 pm »
How do I get the mesh ID? Or can you get the mesh ID? I really need help.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / My Hulk Model
« on: November 20, 2008, 12:23:05 am »
Im kinda new with anim8tor. I know some basics stuff. But I dont know how to texture or make hair. So I did my best on this one. check it out. ;D

I see some guys use paint shop, So I am just wondering if photoshop is ok to use with anim8tor?

Pages: [1]