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Messages - ttsnim

Pages: [1] 2

Thank you! ^_^ My biggest joy is giving characters good expressions.

One of my characters especially, i just hate using the 'O' phoneme, coz it looks so bad. Doesn't matter how much i try to improve the morph, there just isn't the right points in the right places, to get it looking decent.
 You're inspiring me to start another character.

One of the things I bought many years ago, and has helped me tremendously, is Stop Staring: Facial Modeling and Animation Done Right. There are a few newer versions of the book and I want them all. I highly recommend one of the copies if you don't already have one.

Never the less, I'm still a baby in all this 3D stuff. I love the Tutorials you have posted and keep them in mind when I work on things.

Redoing the head because it wasn't constructed right for proper emotions or mouth movements. This is just two days of work as opposed to a week. I think I am learning.

They are technically the same face, Trev. One was the very first subdivision I did. I worked it for a couple of days trying hard to understand facial anatomy after that horror. 
Unfortunately I have discovered the loops are all wrong for expressions and will have to start from scratch!
Next head should be even better.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: off road car cube modeling
« on: June 25, 2020, 11:06:04 am »
Those look pretty neat. Will you be animating them?

Thank you so much!
I will be working on expressions through morph-targets, and her hair, this week.

What's the Fhur scrips and how much will it set my laptop on fire?  :P

Also Thank You!

Thank you!

Hello, I have returned to Anim8or! I have been working on a head all week (Yes, yes I am slow) and wanted a little feed back from other 3D creators.
Does the face look OK? Are they eyes alright?

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: yoda
« on: May 23, 2010, 02:28:00 am »
He sort of remands me of Slimer for some reason. 

No, it's not me.  XD  I DID realise my 3D style matches my 2D style almost perfectly, however, and that has a lot to say ABOUT me.  I've finally hit a point where my art looks like I'm climbing out of the deasperate learning stage and now on to the refinement stage.  THAT makes me happy!

Highly creative and imaginative!  I love the colors of the original, it's very cool looking.  The 3D render is a lot of fun to look at as well.  I think the way you made the down cast spikes was good, but it would have looked a little better if you had made some individual spikes and used them rather than just extruding the spear faces.  Never the less I think it looks quite neat and I hope you add more to it.  ^_^

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: æwakened
« on: May 19, 2010, 01:55:08 am »
Well now I have a song stuck in my head.  I think you know what song that is!   >_<

OTHER THAN THAT, it looks awesome! ^_^

I tried to post this before, but I don't think it worked, so if I have two threads, forgive me!   :-[

Hey all, I finally made a human character with (most) all of it's parts!  While it needs a lot of work still (and ears) I'm happy enough with it to show you all and ask for some advice and crits.  

first of all I know I need to fix his hair, and finish his glasses, remake his hands, then I really need to make those boots look like boots and not hobo sacks on the end of his legs, but other then that I'm not sure what all I should do.  I'm still not that good with Anim8or, despite having stated using it many years ago, but I think (more like desperately hope that) I have show some small glimmer of skill.  

I want to know what you all think of him so far.  And I would LOVE to know how you would improve him!  

As to what he is for?  I have tossed the idea of a 3D comic around for ages, and now that I have one person I don't think it will be to hard to edit him to make other characters.  The plot would be Saturday morning cartoon simple: a team of 4 heroes fight a rising army of evil robots that are trying to enslave humanity. The robots would look very retro and it would all feel very retro 1950's, pre- Star Trek Scifi.

I'm not sure if THIS character would be part of the 4 man team, but I'd have him in the comic some where.

As for the robots, compared to my first human they will be easy.  As I said they would look very retro and simple.   All silver and chrome and death ray eyes and clamp hands.  

Any way, I hope you like my first person!  Let me know what you think.  ^_^

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: A comic? Done 100% in Anim8or?
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:58:17 pm »
Thanks all!

 I'll try to switch up the style a bit and see if that helps.  I am still new at all of this Anim8or stuff, despite playing with the program for years. 

Maybe in the long run I ought to just stick to 2D comics and try to make a highly stylised cartoon?  We'll have to see what happens!  ^_^ 

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Portal Turret
« on: February 02, 2010, 12:27:08 am »
"Is some body there?"  Awesome game.  You've done a nice model

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