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Messages - skullkrusher101

Pages: [1] 2
General Anim8or Forum / Re: any cinema4d users?
« on: November 15, 2008, 02:47:28 pm »
I worked with some people on a C4D forum and came to the conclusion that something was getting lost in the import export process while using the 3DS format.

When I export to the OBJ format everything is fine. Unfortunatly I have to do objects idividualy that way and lose the material information. But it works so that'll do.

General Anim8or Forum / any cinema4d users?
« on: November 14, 2008, 01:55:19 pm »
So regretably im looking into using another program to animate my web cartoon with.

Deciding factors were no IK, feet thru the floors, and not being able to easily delete or move a sequence from a scene.

Ill probably still continue to use anim8or to model just cause its so intuitive, but I need more features for animating.

Im testing out C4D right now and have a problem. Basicaly in anim8or if you create a subdivided mesh, say a basic sphere, then edit its properties and set its smooth angle to 0 you will get a blocky looking sphere.  You will see the edge of every polygon.

Thats what im getting when I import my models to C4d via the 3ds format export.

Are there any C4D users out there that know how to fix this? Does C4D have a similar smooth angle option? Cause im not having any luck finding it.

Also if anyone can recomend another program that might suit my needs that I can export my anim8or models too that would be great. I really just want something with basic features thats easy to use. Or easy to animate with, cause anim8or works perfect for modeling as far as im concerned.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: rigging/modling question
« on: September 20, 2008, 12:09:52 am »
Thanks headwax thats exactly what I was looking for.

and.. is that a Connor MacLeod avatar you got there? nice.

General Anim8or Forum / rigging/modling question
« on: September 18, 2008, 01:32:56 pm »
So I know Im definitly doing something wrong and Im hoping there might be an easy answer to this.

I used cylinders to model my characters based on the tutorials on MP3d's site. And I know in the rigging tutorial there he mentioned there was a proper way to model joints but didnt cover what it was.

Im pretty happy with the way the knee joints came out on my characters, guess I just got lucky there, but the elbows need work. I didnt do anything special for the elbows, its just basicaly a cylinder. Im not going for an ultra realistic look, just a cartoonish look.

What happens is when I bend that joint or twist it, it ends up looking like a baloon animal. (pinched off in other words)

So if anyone has any tips or could point me to a tutorial on proper modling techniques for joints when it comes to animating I would appreciate that.


General Anim8or Forum / Re: Texture help
« on: September 10, 2008, 11:35:09 pm »
I wonder if hitting reset visuals will trigger an update.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: strange face problem
« on: September 10, 2008, 05:14:55 pm »
what was wrong with it? Thanks btw. and its for a clip not a game. ALthough I may use the set in a game, but I can always join it all together for that.

General Anim8or Forum / strange face problem
« on: September 10, 2008, 03:19:07 am »
Im having a strange problem with face selection of one of my objects in a set im building. I was hoping one of you could take a look at it for me and help me out.

I left the offending object grey so it stands out.

One side of the wall makes up a small rectangular room the other side makes up a larger area which is actual 2 rooms, a bedroom and a bathroom. If you rotate the viewport so that you are looking from the rectangular room toward the bed/bathroom and try to select the wall face it wont let you. It acts as if the wall isnt even there and selects a face from another object directly in fornt of it where you click.

The only way to select it is to rotate the viewport so you can click on teh face in an area where there are no other objects behind it. Such as the hole for the sliding glass door in the bedroom. Its easy to rotate it as such in wireframe mode.

I should point out that each wall is an individual object created from a parametric shape and converted into a mesh. None of the wall objects have been joined so they are able to be moved and removed individualy. Is it ok to do that?

Any insight into my face selection problem would be a big help. Thanks.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: What is the camera/world scale in scene mode
« on: September 05, 2008, 01:24:31 am »
oh I already figured out my scale. I used something close to what Tanzim suggested and went from there. Im using 30 AU = 1 foot. Built a couple scenes on that so far.

As far as scaling the characters go I was just going to do that in a text editor. You can set the scale directly to a specific value in the an8 file just like you could in object mode. that way theres no guess work.

Ill keep an eye out for any problems and in the future model everything in Object mode to scale before I rig em.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: What is the camera/world scale in scene mode
« on: September 04, 2008, 03:02:27 pm »
Kubajzz: You pretty much recreated what I did and got the same results, however the final step which was what made a difference was in the larger scale mode add a duplicate of one of those objects at normal scale and place it directly in front of the camera so it appears large. then select all objects and rescale them all back down at the same time. Now that object will appear very tiny no matter where you place it. This may just be due to the increased range in the field of view  for wher you can place objects. Maybe I was just able to bring it closer to the camera. But that itself is a difference. then again who knows, maybe it was just a fluke. It also might have to do with what ensoniqe said about altering hte znear. I never did that.

ENSONIQ5 : If I scale my object first, then place child objects such as the vehicles light beams as child objects will it work then?

General Anim8or Forum / Re: What is the camera/world scale in scene mode
« on: September 03, 2008, 08:45:33 pm »
Kubajzz :  re read the first post for the list of experiments I did, I already mentioned that I figured out that resizing the camera doesnt matter because the green lines that represent the viewport and the angle its casting never change when you resize the camera.

However when you resize everything the size does change relative to everything else and that does have an impact on the image that is rendered. That is what I meant by camera size.

rellik420: being that im lazy I decided to use the same skeleton for all of my models, with slight alterations. That way I can reuse sequences or at least not have to make too many changes to them.

Because of that Ill be resizing my characters in scene mode no matter what.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: What is the camera/world scale in scene mode
« on: September 03, 2008, 03:06:28 pm »
actualy I ran a 3rd test after those first 2. I added another figure into the large set but did not scale iut up, i placed it directly in front of the camera and it looked normal size, but when i dragged it in position with the larger objects got increasingly smaller. I then selected all 4 objects now, the room, the 2 large objects and the nomal sized objects, and I scaled everything back down to a somewhat normal size, again re-aligned everything, this time the new object looked tiny no matter where i placed it because it was tiny in relation to the camera. Also using the giant sized scale allows you to place the camera in positions and angles you could never get in a normal scale, so there is a difference. I just wanted to know what the normal scale was for a starting point.

So the camera size does matter. I will try out your ratio there Tanzim. Thanks for the help.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: What is the camera/world scale in scene mode
« on: September 03, 2008, 12:00:54 am »
To illustrate my point I attached 2 files. The first shows 1 object, a room,, and 2 figures at a reasonable size and it shows where the camera is, the second is all 3 objects scaled up to a very large size and again showing the camera in its position

You can see how small that camera is now and how much more distance there is between it and the characters.

So how big is that camera, what ratio should i use to build my scenes to get an accurate representation?

What do you guys use?

General Anim8or Forum / What is the camera/world scale in scene mode
« on: September 02, 2008, 10:05:04 pm »
Im starting to get ready to make my scenes and I want to know what scale is.

I know you can re-scale objects inside scene mode and ill be doing that for some objects, but I want my building interiors to be correct that way I have a reference to scale other objects to.

I noticed you can use the scale tool on the camera but it doesnt seem to do anything accept alter the size of the icon. The green lines that show you the field of view never change size so that leads me to belieove that there is a default fixed scale for the world in scene mode. Now you can alter the FOV angle but thats not the same thing as resizing the box itself.

Ive been experimenting trying to figure out what it is. I made a 10' X 10' room using a 1 unit  = 1 inch in onject mode but that seems too small.

Does anyone know what it is?

General Anim8or Forum / delete bone bug
« on: August 27, 2008, 02:10:52 am »
using verison .095

if you delete a bone that has paitned weights somewhere on the model that will cause the program to crash wheneve ryou select the weight brush tool again and click on a bone. The program seems to crash will trying to bring up the paint map (for lack of a better term)

I know ive readon this forum that the AN8 file format is well documented, which is why its compatible with  a lot of other programs. Where can I find this documentation. My thinking is it may jsut be easier to manualy correct these types of problems sometimes. Say whipe out all of one bones particular weights in one swoop.

General Anim8or Forum / using sequences in scene mode
« on: August 24, 2008, 12:05:59 am »
Im a little confused as to how they work still.  Other then the fact that it adds a bunch of keyframes that will then be tied to the original sequence is there any cohesivness to them?

I dont seem to be able to delete an entire seuqence at once. Doesnt seem to be any list of sequences ive added anywhere. And sometimes when I delete some of the dots in the timeline it doesnt seem to free up that space to add other sequences. is there a trick to deleting a sequence form a scene, or a portion of one.

Or how bout this situation, i added the sequence in the wrong frame and now need to shift the whole thing up one or back one. Can I do that?

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