Finished Works and Works in Progress / First chess figures
« on: October 07, 2012, 05:39:52 pm »
Hi everyone!
I decided to make some chessfigures because I need to make some kind of animation. I'm a staff member of hungarian animecon and in the amv championship we need some videos between the clips (because letters and not that interesting), and I'm choosing anim8or the second time to animate something.
Almost all the figures took only 10 minutes exept the king and the knight. The king was a little diffrent bit more time but the knight was hardcore (4-5 hours). I made 2 render of it (with and without subdivision). Hope they're not look too bad.

I decided to make some chessfigures because I need to make some kind of animation. I'm a staff member of hungarian animecon and in the amv championship we need some videos between the clips (because letters and not that interesting), and I'm choosing anim8or the second time to animate something.
Almost all the figures took only 10 minutes exept the king and the knight. The king was a little diffrent bit more time but the knight was hardcore (4-5 hours). I made 2 render of it (with and without subdivision). Hope they're not look too bad.