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Messages - mikespitzer

Pages: 1 [2]
Hello gang

New member here .

Been reading Ian Ross's book and the PDF manuals and practicing tutorials before asking this question
But I am stumped.

I have a Dinosaur with the early beginning stages of Rigging and Skinning with Bone Influencing --- starting with legs

When I test the motion by bending joints, the RIGHT side of the body works properly at each joint (hip, knee, ankle)

But when trying to rotate the same bones on LEFT side of the body, the ankle works properly
BUT ... the entire object (Dinosaur figure) rotates when testing the hip and knee rotations

I thought both sides were created the same way .... so not sure why left side and right side are behaving differently

I have looked at my bone settings, skinning, influencing - but I must be missing some setting or detail that has the LEFT side of body effectively "fused together, -- but the RIGHT side working as intended (so far )

I have attached the ANI file to see if somebody can spot the error


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