I'll attach it if that doesn't work. Also, it seems that it was just files I opened on that day, not necessarily files that I saved on that day, which is strange.
I've compared it to another file, and here are the places where it differs from the uncuorrupted file:
texture { "[texture]"
file { "C:\\Program Files\\anim8or\\[texture].jpg" }
object { "object01"
material { "material01"
surface {
/* RGB chunk no longer used */
rgb { 224 224 224 }
lockambiantdiffuse { }
ambiant {
rgb { 224 224 224 }
factor { 0.30000 }
diffuse {
rgb { 224 224 224 }
factor { 0.70000 }
specular {
rgb { 255 255 255 }
factor { 0.20000 }
phongsize { 0 }
The other file didn't have a tecture, so I couldn't really compare.
Also, the data here seemed to be in a different format on the corrupted file:
faces {
4 5 0 -1 ( (0 0) (1 1) (9 2) (8 3) )
4 5 0 -1 ( (1 1) (2 4) (10 5) (9 2) )
4 5 0 -1 ( (2 4) (3 6) (11 7) (10 5) )
4 5 0 -1 ( (3 6) (4

(12 9) (11 7) )
[and so on]
is there anything odd about this?