Well, I'm a fan of the Add edge, Cut Faces, Topographical knife, and Straight / Curved Path tools, and I feel a few more basic tools dealing with 2D curves would be alright. The same goes for more helpers for getting correct positions on faces, along edges, correct angles, and alignments to lines (MOI 3D has these, see 3rd attached image. I can elaborate later or just have a look online yourself

Holding Shift while rotating something could show at mouse position, an overlaid (HUD) wheel with lines divided into 45 degrees that you can snap the rotation angle towards. See the 2nd attached image.
It would also be nice to have an integrated "Select similar faces" in the program (by default) and with a similarity threshold variable (range (0, 1] with 1 meaning only identical faces get selected).
Lastly, perhaps some extended repeat / copy tools.
-- Everything is shown in the 1st attached image. Inspiration comes mostly from Moment of Inspiration 3D (MOI 3D) and SolidThinking. I know Anim8or is a polygonal modeler, and that several of the shown tools would require various settings for adjustment of this & that, but they would be practical, imho. In the other programs, these tools are k-step procedures, that is "select point 1", "... point 2", ..., "select point k" in order to finish the procedure. I'm not sure how things should be done in Anim8or, but at least the suggestions are here now for everyone to give feedback on.

Last but not least; I know there exists a bunch of neat scripts already, but I feel that Anim8or can be even easier to use if some more functionality is more readily available like buttons on a ribbon etc. This is partly why I suggest these tools in this post, say there exists two Loft scripts already but they are hidden away in the Scripts list, and would be handy to have by default anyways.

I'd like to explain better but it'll have to be in later posts, not atm.