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Messages - GATTISNEW

Pages: [1]
ASL Scripts / Re: Boolean operations plugin is here! (new version!)
« on: May 03, 2024, 06:48:58 am »
I figured it out.  I was using the wrong function.  I should have used subtraction.

ASL Scripts / Re: Boolean operations plugin is here! (new version!)
« on: May 03, 2024, 06:43:54 am »
I have 2 meshes.  I want to cut a hole in mesh 1 the size of mesh 2.  but it cuts mesh 2

>>>>>>                   BOOLEAN OPERATIONS PLUGIN                   <<<<<<<<
                                                                   by Kubajzz

Script started...

Source shapes:       mesh01, mesh02
Requested operation: Intersection

Analyzing meshes:

Creating new mesh:

Script completed succesfully!


exit script "D:\animv0981\scripts\Boolean Intersection.a8s"

ASL Scripts / Re: Boolean operations plugin is here! (new version!)
« on: May 02, 2024, 09:39:29 am »
So I was able to cut.  but it cut the wrong mesh
IN the drawing.  I want to cut a hole in the red larger mesh.  but it cuts the blue mesh

ASL Scripts / Re: ASL Scripts Database
« on: August 10, 2014, 08:10:09 am »
The link for the ring script  is broken :'(

Pages: [1]