Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / graphic display bug?????
« on: February 04, 2009, 02:44:22 pm »
I know this issue has been addressed already but not in the context of my misfortune (i think i said that right). I'm running Vista on my lap-top and I'm always getting this rather frustrating blank/transparent workspace whenever i run an8. And the few times I get lucky, the work space is doubled (one in the top left, and one in the bottom right). the functions are on the bottom right and the things i try to do get shown in the top left workspace. I've tried playing with the settings, and that didn't work. Updating my graphics card didn't work. I've also tried it on a few other vista computers and got the same effect. Is there any other solution to this vista epidemic because all of the windows XP updates aren't available anymore on the microsoft website?