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Messages - texel

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Ogre 3D has its own file format for meshes, materials and skeletons.
This is a binary file format.

Because it's easier for exporters to export in ASCII (text file that you can "understand" with wordpad), and because the binary file format of ogre 3D can change at every new version (for optimizations). The creators of Ogre 3D have created an xml file format which will "never" change and which can be converted to the binary file format using a comand-line tool:

General Anim8or Forum / LibAn8 v9.02.01 is available
« on: February 01, 2010, 02:32:13 pm »
LibAn8 v9.02.01 is available:

LibAn8 is a C++ .an8 files loader library which developpers can use to load .an8 files in their applications (3d files converters, OpenGL or Direct3D games, renderers, ...).

This version fixes several bugs in the loading of weights of figures.

The source code of a very basic OpenGL viewer is available in the SDK. It depends on the GLGX library (an utility library like D3DX for Direct3D):

LibAn8 do not depends on OpenGL. You can also use it with Direct3D or other applications.

Ani2Pov v0.91 is available. It fixes some problems with weights of figures having several meshes.
Any bug report are welcome.
The next version will MAYBE be able to export animations of sequences to Collada

I do not have a strong motivation to work on Collada.
Collada loaders in 3DS Max, Maya, Lightwave, ... have a lot of problems and i have never seen a good Collada viewer without bugs. Even the samples from the offical Collada web site have bugs.

Nevertheless i will try to add more features in the Collada exporter.

Ani2Pov v0.90 is available:
#  Warning: This new version recquires the Visual C++ 2008 redistributable.
# Several bugs have been fixed for animated sequences export.
# Ani2Pov can now export Anim8or files to Ogre3D (.mesh and basic .material in XML format) and Irrlicht 3D (.irrmesh). Animations are not supported yet.
# Please read the manual.
# I can't do a lot of tests. Please report any bugs.

Ani2Pov can import files from:

# Collada ( *.dae )
# 3D Studio Max 3DS ( *.3ds )
# 3D Studio Max ASE ( *.ase )
# Wavefront Object ( *.obj )
# Stanford Polygon Library ( *.ply )
# AutoCAD DXF ( *.dxf )
# LightWave ( *.lwo )
# Stereolithography ( *.stl )
# AC3D ( *.ac )

# Valve Model ( *.smd,*.vta )
# Quake I ( *.mdl )
# Quake II ( *.md2 )
# Quake III ( *.md3 )
# Return to Castle Wolfenstein ( *.mdc )
# Doom 3 ( *.md5 )

# DirectX X ( *.x ).
# Quick3D ( *.q3d ).
# Irrlicht Mesh ( *.irrmesh ).
# Irrlicht Scene ( *.irr ).
# Neutral File Format ( *.nff )
# Sense8 WorldToolKit ( *.nff )
# Object File Format ( *.off )
# PovRAY Raw ( *.raw )
# Terragen Terrain ( *.ter )
# 3D GameStudio ( *.mdl )
# 3D GameStudio Terrain ( *.hmp )

Ani2Pov also converts .an8 files from Anim8or to:

# PovRay
# MilkShape3d (.ms3d and .txt)(with animations)
# SMD (Half-Life)(with animations)
# Collada (.dae)
# ASE (.ase)
# AC3D (.ac)
# VideoScape files (.obj)
# Ogre 3D (.mesh and basic .material in XML format)
# Irrlicht 3D (.irrmesh)

The link:

Ani2Pov can only convert .an8 file to other file format, or convert other file formats to .an8 files.

I will probably not be able to import animations for this file format because:
_ It will recquire a lot of time/motivation
_ Maybe the way ASSIMP (the library i use to load data) store animations uses technics not compatible with Anim8or (bind pose)(i don't know)

I will probably add more features to collada exporter, such as cubemap, skybox,.... but maybe not animations (because of time).

But never say never...

i could import static meshes and materials using the offical Autodesk SDK
If the FBX SDK do not have tools to export .fbx it will be impossible to export to FBX (i will study it). The FBX file format specifications are closed. Or maybe using other SDK (Nvidia ?)

FBX is probably only usefull for XNA. But you can load other file formats with XNA (including your own).

My motivation to work on Collada and FBX is not very strong. These file formats are not very simple, and there are a lot of problems of compatibility between applications (even between 3DS Max and Maya which are both developped by autodesk, the creator of FBX).

Ani2Pov v0.85 can now import objects from differents file formats.
Animations are not supported, but just meshes and simple materials.

Ani2Pov can import files from:

# Collada ( *.dae )
# 3D Studio Max 3DS ( *.3ds )
# 3D Studio Max ASE ( *.ase )
# Wavefront Object ( *.obj )
# Stanford Polygon Library ( *.ply )
# AutoCAD DXF ( *.dxf )
# LightWave ( *.lwo )
# Stereolithography ( *.stl )
# AC3D ( *.ac )

# Valve Model ( *.smd,*.vta )
# Quake I ( *.mdl )
# Quake II ( *.md2 )
# Quake III ( *.md3 )
# Return to Castle Wolfenstein ( *.mdc )
# Doom 3 ( *.md5 )

# DirectX X ( *.x ).
# Quick3D ( *.q3d ).
# Irrlicht Mesh ( *.irrmesh ).
# Irrlicht Scene ( *.irr ).
# Neutral File Format ( *.nff )
# Sense8 WorldToolKit ( *.nff )
# Object File Format ( *.off )
# PovRAY Raw ( *.raw )
# Terragen Terrain ( *.ter )
# 3D GameStudio ( *.mdl )
# 3D GameStudio Terrain ( *.hmp )

Ani2Pov also converts .an8 files from Anim8or to:

# PovRay
# MilkShape3d (.ms3d and .txt)(with animations)
# SMD (Half-Life)(with animations)
# Collada (.dae)
# ASE (.ase)
# AC3D (.ac)
# VideoScape files (.obj)

The link:

General Anim8or Forum / Ani2Pov v0.80 can now export to Collada (.dae)
« on: December 20, 2009, 06:29:19 am »
Ani2Pov v0.80 can now export objects and scenes in Collada file format (.dae):
# Animations are not supported.
# Some features of Anim8or are not exported yet (such as CubeMap, skybox,...).
# Please read the manual.
# I have not done a lot of tests. Please report any bugs.

Ani2Pov also converts .an8 files from Anim8or to:
# PovRay
# MilkShape3d (.ms3d and .txt)(with animations)
# SMD (Half-Life)(with animations)
# Collada (.dae)
# ASE (.ase)
# AC3D (.ac)
# VideoScape files (.obj)

The link:

General Anim8or Forum / LibAn8 v9.12.20 is available
« on: December 20, 2009, 05:24:16 am »
LibAn8 v9.12.20 is available:

LibAn8 is a C++ .an8 files loader library which developpers can use to load .an8 files in their applications (3d files converters, OpenGL or Direct3D games, renderers, ...).

New features of this version:
_ New utility functions and classes have been added to AN8X to ease the use of animated skinned meshes.

The source code of a very basic OpenGL viewer is available in the SDK. It depends on the GLGX library (an utility library like D3DX for Direct3D):

LibAn8 do not depends on OpenGL. You can also use it with Direct3D ot or other applications.

A new version of Ani2Pov will be available soon (with source code) and it will use the new functions.

Good work. I will test it.
i am also writting a file converter for collada (importer and exporter) for Anim8or.

i use Free SwirlX3D Viewer for my test

i also use Blender, but i don't know how to display textures of models in Blender.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Project Opportunity
« on: October 31, 2009, 03:43:58 am »
You can use Ani2Pov to export skinned Meshes (bones animations):

i think mrussum has a static 3DS model he want someone to animate. He doesn't want a .3ds file.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Export 3DS animations
« on: October 06, 2009, 01:39:02 am »
Maybe you could be interested in Ani2Pov. It converts .an8 files to .ms3D and .smd

hihosilver, i don't understand where the problem could be.

You select one or several faces (which will be afected), and after a vertex (used by the faces). And when you move the vertex the UV of the same vertex move relative to the texture space of each faces for the same vertex. And if there is no "continuity" between uv of faces of the same vertex, there is not problem: you don't use this option because you don't need it.

This option do not change the texture, just the uv of vertices.

A example of use:
You create a track for a racing game. You create a road with a texture. But now you want to make the road larger, but you don't want to stretch the texture on the road (you want to keep the size of tile textures).

>For your question: Go to Point Edit mode, face select, select the face(s) you want edit, then click on the UV button, a dialogue box will come asking: "Do you want to enable texture generation for selected object", click yes. The rest is up to you.

No. With your solution i can move and scale the texture with the mouse. It's not accurate. I can't enter the value i want for uv using my keyboard.


This new feature could be usefull for uv editting:

If you have a mesh with a texture and uv on vertices.
_ You click on an option (maybe called "Active UV folow")
_ And when you move one or more vertices, the UV coord of vertices are updated in order to move in the texture space in the same relative distance (using the previous UV coord of all vertices of the same face).


I have also a question:
How do i edit the uv coord of a vertex of a face "by hand" (example: to set (0.85, 1.0) in a dialog box for a vertex ) ?
Is it possible without editing the .an8 file with wordpad ?

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