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General Anim8or Forum / Re: Polly updates
« on: December 04, 2008, 04:13:24 am »
screenshots are impressive.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Animation exporting
« on: November 19, 2008, 04:44:44 am »
There is a Game Maker export plugin. I don't know what it is able to do:

i am writting an .an8 to .ms3d animated sequence converter which will be added to Ani2Pov (probably before the end of this year, maybe befor the end of next week if i found time).
It will export to the ASCII version of the .ms3d file format. This format is limited because a vertex can by linked with only one bone. But you will be able to export animations such as the one from this tutorial:
And .ms3d file format do not support morph target.

After, maybe i will write an .an8 to binary .ms3d file format which support skinned mesh.

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Feature request: animate bone length
« on: November 04, 2008, 10:12:41 am »
It would be also good if Anim8or could support translation of bones relative to their bases (bones could be not always attached to each other).
_ It could make the same result as you want
_ You could also make animations with objects which could be separated from each other (ex: a character which throw a ball: the ball could have its bone)

General Anim8or Forum / Ani2Pov v0.51 is available
« on: November 02, 2008, 08:59:51 am »
Ani2Pov v0.51 is available for Windows.
# Several bugs have been corrected


Bug report:

General Anim8or Forum / LibAn8 v8.11.1 is available
« on: November 01, 2008, 08:25:08 pm »
LibAn8 v8.11.1 is available:

LibAn8 is a C++ .an8 files loader library which developpers can use to load .an8 files in their applications (3d files converters, OpenGL or Direct3D games, renderers, ...).

New features of LibAn8 v8.11.1:
# Several bugs fixed.
# Description{}, Film{], Lighting{} and Film{} blocs are now loaded.
# New identifier added (AN8_DECAL... for blending)

The source code of a very basic OpenGL viewer is available in the SDK. It depends on the GLGX library (an utility library like D3DX for Direct3D):

The viewer is also available as separate download (the .exe file)

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: A list of ideas for anim8or
« on: October 15, 2008, 07:04:30 am »
Some ideas:

_ Export animated sequences to the .ms3d file format.
This file format is very simple, supported by a lot of 3D engine (such as irrlicht), and it can also by imported in Blender and converted to other file format (.x, .md2, .md5, ...).
The binary file format of .ms3d seems to be better than the ASCII because it supports up to 4 bones per vertices instead of 2.
It would be a lot easier for Steve to export to this file format than .x.
I think Anim8or could be a great modeler for Open source games with this feature.

_ Add ability to translate bones in sequences. In Anim8or, all bones are always sticked to each other. It is not the case for some modelers such as Lightwave and it is usefull to be able to detach some bones some times (Example: an animated character hold an another animated character which can go away). Without this feature, Anim8or will not be able to import skinned meshes from some of other modelers (ms3d, md5).

_ Add .png, .tga and .dds support. It has already be suggested but it's very important.

ASL Scripts / Re: ASE exporting
« on: June 27, 2008, 06:52:29 am »
Ani2Pov can convert .an8 files to .ase. But maybe there are some bugs (bugs reports are welcome).

A direct export from Anim8or would also be a good thing.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: converting to code
« on: June 14, 2008, 02:29:50 pm »
I have created a C++ .an8 file loader with a basic OpenGL example viewer (with full source code);

it do not use triangle fans or triangle strips because Anim8or do not store these informations in the .an8 files (triangles are isolated).
VBO are not optimized because Anim8or uses 1 vertex normal per vertex and 1 uv per vertex and i have not made a function to avoid  duplication of vertex which are not needed. In my viewer, Index buffer are not usefull, but you can use index buffer to use several material with only one vertex buffer for a mesh.

You must select "output normal" in the debug menu of Anim8or to have vertex normal exported in the .an8 file and loaded by LibAn8. LibAn8 can also compute face normals.

thanks. i have edited the link.

Ani2Pov v0.50 is available under the GPL v3 license.
This software convert .an8 files to PovRay, Ase and Videoscape file format.

New features of this version:
#  It uses the last version of my .an8 file loader ( it must solve some problems)
# .an8 files from Anim8or v0.97 Preview are supported
# Ani2Pov can now convert .an8 file to PovRay, Videoscape (.obj used by Blender), and .ase.
# Ani2Pov for Windows uses WinForms and it recquires the .NET framework.
# The source code of Ani2Pov is now under the GPL v3 license.
# The Linux version will be available later (or sooner if you contribute).
# Please report any bugs.

Ths source code of Ani2Pov is available under the GPL v3 license but it depends on LibAn8 which is now under the BSD license:

LibAn8 is a C++ .an8 files loader library which developpers can use to load .an8 files in their applications (3d files converters, OpenGL or Direct3D games, renderers, ...).

New features of LibAn8 v8.5.18:
# The LibAn8 source code is released under a BSD-style license.
# Several memory leaks fixed.
# AN8XMeshFromSphere() optimized.
# New AN8X math functions added.
# CreateSmoothNormals() added (still alpha).
# GLAn8Viewer Updated (it recquires the last version of GLGX)

The source code of a very basic OpenGL viewer is available in the SDK. It depends on the GLGX library (an utility library like D3DX for Direct3D):

The viewer is also available as separate download (the .exe file)

General Anim8or Forum / Re: OpenGL for rendering?
« on: April 26, 2008, 04:26:34 am »
You can select OpenGL as renderer in the "Render->Renderer" Menu of Anim8or.
It will be faster but maybe not very fast, because Anim8or is not as optimized as games (in order to allow modifications of geometries and scene by the user).

In games, the scene is not created to by modify by the user. The camera is placed in areras determined by the game designers. A lot of alogorithms are very fast for real time applications but also have big drawbacks. These drawbacks can be carefully hidden in games because they show us what they want to show and they hide whant they want to hide.
In a game, a lot of parameters can be adjusted in every scene just to hide problems and a lot of effects are fake.

When Steve write Anim8or, he must use robust algorithms which work for every scene. He must also use advanced algorithms to display beautifull pictures. And everyone do not have a GeForce 9800 GX2.

with the ability to switch the uv channel between diffuse, ambient, bumpmap, custom, ... to keep it flexible


it would be great and very usefull to be able to have several uv coordinates per vertex in order to have:
_ 1 uv coord for the diffuse texture
_ 1 uv coord for bumpmap texture
_ 1 uv coord for speculare
_ ...

General Anim8or Forum / Ani2Pov v0.50 Alpha 1 is available
« on: April 09, 2008, 03:06:35 pm »
Ani2Pov v0.50 Alpha 1 is available for Windows.

Warning: This is a developpement version. Several bugs could/must be present. But some tests can already be done and bugs report are welcome.
The old "stable" version is available (but the new alpha version should work better).

# It uses the last version of my .an8 file loader ( it must solve several problems)
# .an8 files from Anim8or v0.97 Preview are supported
# Ani2Pov can now convert .an8 file to PovRay, Videoscape (.obj used by Blender), and .ase. It can also convert Videoscape files to .an8.
# Ani2Pov now use wxWidgets for the GUI.


Bug report:


General Anim8or Forum / LibAn8 v8.4.1 is available
« on: April 01, 2008, 06:13:13 am »
LibAn8 v8.4.1 is available:

LibAn8 is a C++ .an8 files loader library which developpers can use to load .an8 files in their applications (3d files converters, OpenGL or Direct3D games, renderers, ...).

New features:
_  .an8 files from Anim8or v0.97 Preview are now supported.
_ A small bug has been corrected.
_ GroundGrid is now a boolean (An8Scene).
_ The viewer can now display the ground grid and backgroung images.

The source code of a very basic OpenGL viewer is available in the SDK. It depends on the GLGX library (an utility library like D3DX for Direct3D):

The viewer is also available in .exe

LibAn8 do not depends on OpenGL. You can also use it with Direct3D.

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