General Anim8or Forum / Line Confusion!!!!
« on: January 18, 2009, 12:16:03 pm »
hey, im looking at a model a friend made, and im confused about this line:

i dont understand what the pink line means, ive never seen that before.
also, i thout that if a line is used, you cant use it to make a line directly off of it if the line is used from all ends. like this:

i hope that is a good enough explanation, and i hope someone can help me.
thanks in advance

i dont understand what the pink line means, ive never seen that before.
also, i thout that if a line is used, you cant use it to make a line directly off of it if the line is used from all ends. like this:

i hope that is a good enough explanation, and i hope someone can help me.
thanks in advance