« on: July 17, 2021, 10:53:51 pm »
If your maquette (I think that is the word) is essentially made out of a collection of parts, like a wooden figure with moveable joints or a toy robot, you can skip the skinning stage. Skinning is useful for objects that are bendy, like a maquette made from plasticine or something similar.
To create a non-skinned, jointed figure I would generally have each body part in a separate object, and another object that contains the full assembled figure. The skeleton can be constructed using the full figure as a guide which is then removed, and each body part is then added to its corresponding bone. It's important to have the orientation and centre point of each object correct in object mode or the objects may not align with their bone as expected, but this can be corrected in object mode easily enough if required.
Once the object is posed in Sequence or Scene mode, it can be exported as a posed mesh using Sequence > Export... and choosing the 3DS option (the Anim8or option exports the sequence as a complete Anim8or file rather than a posed mesh). I should point out that the 3DS export function may have problems exporting subdivision objects, though this might be something that has been resolved in later updates (I'm using V1.0). If this is the case it may be necessary to convert any subdivision objects to meshes first.
I'm not sure if there is any way to directly export a posable figure from Anim8or, this isn't something I have had need to do but others may be able to assist. I assume you would need to know the format your buddy requires (ie. the software he is using) at the very least.