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Messages - 3Dgeek11

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 [35] 36 37
Hi, I made a model, and I was wondering if anyone could make me a figure from him? I am totally inexperienced when it comes to making a figure, so, if anyone could spare then time, then I would be SO grateful. :)

I cannot pay you, sorry. But it will only take like 30 mins to an hour to make this, I think.  :P

and if no one can spare the time or doesn't want to because there's no money involved, then it's no big deal.   8)

Thanks. :) (I'll send you the model I want to be a figure if anyone wants to help me. ;) just tell me and I will)

ASL Scripts / Re: Script Request: Chain Link Maker
« on: June 24, 2008, 10:37:16 pm »
no, I'm talking about the "Chain" script. ;) unless that's what you meant..?

sorry, I should shut up and look in the topic and see his directions.

ASL Scripts / Re: Script Request: Chain Link Maker
« on: June 24, 2008, 06:50:22 am »
okay, sorry, but I can't figure out how to use the chain script? I made a path, then clicked the tool, and click the path? is that right? I can't figure it out, Thanks for any help. :)

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Pathing Gifs
« on: June 14, 2008, 04:11:34 pm »
cool, thanks. :) that will help me alot. (could Steve update the point limit to like 200, I wonder?)

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Attributes and What They Mean
« on: June 14, 2008, 04:09:41 pm »
btw, in answer to your question, is very fast to upload and free.

btw, good work. :D

what I was refering to was the "Attributes" on an object and material.

EDIT: whoops, that is what the link was about, sorry.

ASL Scripts / Re: Script Request: Chain Link Maker
« on: June 14, 2008, 04:03:01 pm »
Thanks, RudySchneider. :D

okay. :)

hmm, maybe I should drum up some money and ask him to make me something. ^^ (j/k)

ASL Scripts / Re: Script Request: Chain Link Maker
« on: June 13, 2008, 10:34:16 am »
hey, I was wondering one little question about scripts:

Are you allowed to use scripts made by people like NickE and other people in commercial work? just wondering.

Great work, NickE!

Great render, hihosilver. how'd you get the shadow?

whoa! 8.8 That's awesome! :D

It looks just like something you'd see somewhere professional. And it was made using anim8or. :) 

P.S. I don't think he's around the site anymore, might try emailing it to him..?

Yes! Thanks. :)

EDIT: acutally, not "yes!"...  it's "online" file conversion, and I couldn't have time to upload the big file and then download the file again!

but, thanks anyway. :D  not blaming you or anything. ;)
see you people

I downloaded the 0.97 preview and it is awesome! a lot of new features which I don't understand (lol) but some of them are good, and a lot of other misc stuff, like when you export a movie, it doesn't just sit at the preview of the movie anymore, it goes straight back to the scene editor. :)

Thanks, Steve! for all your time and effort!

P.S. I agree with Tanzim. FYI

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Pathing Gifs
« on: June 13, 2008, 10:05:02 am »
what do you mean by "sections" ? thanks. :)

P.S. my biggest problem is the "100 points" limit where it won't do the end caps.

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Pathing Gifs
« on: June 11, 2008, 09:35:49 am »
yes, I get that message too sometimes when I do a path. I don't get it.

Hey, I was wondering if in a future release or something, could the scene editor "movie render" option let you export it as a GIF? if so, that would be super-nice. :)

P.S. if there is already a feature for that, then sorry, I didn't know.  :-[


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