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Messages - Sluggs

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I'm having the same problem slicing straight down from a point, with this version (1233) Even with only the Y axis enabled, the cut starts from wherever I click near the point, and not from the actual point.

The only way I can see to fix this would be if we could turn off this picking distance thing, so we have to actually click on a point for things like this.

Oh, I see! Well, shall look forward to it! :-)

Sluggs: "... when I try to slice straight down from a point [with the knife], the cut is all over the place ..." I have a fix for this. To cut either horizontally or vertically, disable the Y/X axis. To cut at an arbitrary angle but without snapping to a point or edge, enable faces and disable points and edges. Will that work for what you need?

I was already doing that when I posted. :-) It's because of the picking distance. (When you start a cut near the point from which you want to cut, the cut starts from there, and even when you actually click on the point itself, not near it, it's not pixel perfect, so the cut is off)

Thanks for the other fixes though (undo, add edges, and the knot control handle). Now I don't have to keep switching versions.


I've found another couple of bugs...

1) Can now only move one point of a knot's control handle, not both.

2) When moving a shape/mesh/path via the arrow keys in only one direction, after a short time, the other positions (shown at the bottom-center of the screen), start incrementing, when only one
position should be incrementing.

Thanks Trev! (At least Steve will know it's not just because of me and my crappy Netbook) ;D

I've come across another problem, this time with the Knife tool.

Because of the picking distance, when I try to slice straight down from a point, the cut is all over the place, and not going straight down, below the center of the point. :o

Also, I don't know what's happening with this, but when I slice through the edges of the attached .an8 file, they won't undo. If I join solids and then cut through it, I can undo the first cut, but any new cuts won't undo.

Edit: It seems there's a problem when trying to undo cuts in edges, when those edges don't have faces. (I just removed two faces from a cube, made a few cuts in the edge that remained, then when I pressed Ctrl+Z once to undo my last cut, all the points in that edge went (not the end ones), and one of the faces came back)

PS. Undo buffer was set to 100mb

It's now very difficult to connect two points via the Add Edge tool. :-(

Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Topo Tool
« on: March 20, 2016, 10:54:12 pm »
That was enabled, so I unchecked it and tried again. Still crashed.

System Information
Time of this report: 3/21/2016, 02:49:26
       Machine name:
   Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp.080413-2111)
           Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Packard Bell
       System Model: DOT SE
               BIOS: InsydeH2O Version V3.08(DDR2)
          Processor: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N450   @ 1.66GHz (2 CPUs)
             Memory: 1014MB RAM
          Page File: 650MB used, 1790MB available
        Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
    DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
     DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.5512 32bit Unicode

Display Devices
        Card name: Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator 3150
     Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
        Chip type: Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator 3150
         DAC type: Internal
       Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A011&SUBSYS_034A1025&REV_00
   Display Memory: 256.0 MB
     Current Mode: 1024 x 768 (32 bit) (85Hz)
          Monitor: Plug and Play Monitor
  Monitor Max Res: 1600,1200
      Driver Name: igxprd32.dll
   Driver Version: 6.14.0010.5260 (English)
      DDI Version: 9 (or higher)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
 Driver Date/Size: 4/25/2010 18:01:18, 57344 bytes
      WHQL Logo'd: n/a
  WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
              VDD: n/a
         Mini VDD: igxpmp32.sys
    Mini VDD Date: 4/25/2010 18:00:26, 1754912 bytes
Device Identifier: {D7B78E66-E351-11CF-1967-4023A1C2CB35}
        Vendor ID: 0x8086
        Device ID: 0xA011
        SubSys ID: 0x034A1025
      Revision ID: 0x0000
      Revision ID: 0x0000
      Video Accel:
 Deinterlace Caps: n/a
         Registry: OK
     DDraw Status: Enabled
       D3D Status: Enabled
       AGP Status: Not Available
DDraw Test Result: Not run
 D3D7 Test Result: Not run
 D3D8 Test Result: Not run
 D3D9 Test Result: Not run


Well, I haven't had any problems with Anim8or until this!  8)

Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Topo Tool
« on: March 20, 2016, 10:26:20 pm »
Steve, it was set at 100 so I set it to just 1mb and tried again, but it still crashed.

Once it crashed when I first cut only one face, but it usually crashes after cutting a few.

Since it's OK for you guys, it must be this Netbook then, and it's old drivers. (It's got Windows XP on it, as that OS uses less system resources)

Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Topo Tool
« on: March 20, 2016, 10:11:16 pm »
Well, the Auto-Sandbox thing in Comodo Firewall is disabled, and I just turned off the Netbook for a short while and tried it again, and it still crashed. (Anim8or was only using up 27mb at that moment)

When I tested the tool with a new mesh (a cylinder), it didn't crash, so I'm assuming that mesh is causing Anim8or to crash for some reason.

I thought it could have been it's size too, but when I reduced it, it still crashed Anim8or. O_o

Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Topo Tool
« on: March 20, 2016, 08:12:05 pm »
I'm getting crashes when trying the Topo tool on the attached .an8 file.

I'm not actually wanting to do anything with this mesh, I was just testing the tool and got all these crashes!

This happened in both 1227 and 1229

(The mesh was made via lathing a spline. Even after merging all the points, saving it and trying it on that version, it still did it)

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Trouble with top hull texture
« on: March 05, 2016, 02:36:05 pm »
UV mapping isn't something I can explain to you in five minutes. In fact, it's the hardest part of modelling. :(

It's rare I go on Youtube but I suspect that there's something about UV mapping in Anim8or or you can have a good look around these forums.

You'll want to flip the texture and map it with the texture the right way, or rotate the top of the model 180 degrees and UV map it again. Actually, you'll want to rotate it backwards 45 degrees first before doing anything, being as it's slanted.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Trouble with top hull texture
« on: March 04, 2016, 07:54:25 pm »
It needs UV mapping.

Thank you very much for the Control Handle update! It's really useful! 8)

I just easily made a bone-shaped path to test it!

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Feature Request Thread
« on: February 27, 2016, 12:00:23 pm »
Sluggs: grid snap will work with control handles as well in the next drop.

That would be the icing on the cake for me and Anim8or. I already love her, and now I'm going to have to marry her! :D

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