Difference of 'Raxx' - 'Mesh2An8' and 'Llyr Carter' - 'Cr8plugin' for general user.
Mesh2An8 :
* simple, easy, small Output.
* work with 'Scale' tool.
* output Data is easy to RegExp to use it for making true Parametric Mesh.
* single Mesh, Default Material, no Texture Output.
* Material and Texture can't be changed(currently).
/* add this code before defining Material to make it user changeable */
if($<Object Name>.LookupMaterial("<Material Name>") == NULL){
... define Material here ...
Cr8plugin :
* little complex, big, not easy to RegExp.
* work with 'Non-Uniform Scale' tool.
* Multiple-Mesh/Shape (Output will be Single) with Multi/Sub Material, Multi-Texture Support.
* Work with old Version (V.95) as well.
* keep user Setting of Material and Texture after changed.
* Note (12.01.14): added the Round Cube (Mesh is from 'lppena' modified for better Subdivision), now it is parametric. updated the Book as well (see above).