I understand how a second sound track could be useful. The reason I'm reluctant to add one is thads, nothing fancy.t it opens up a whole can of worms with mixing, fading, etc. I could add a second track and simply add the sound
Can't stop thinking about this.
If you did add a 'basic' 2nd track, even rendered out in mono, the extra creativity at the user end would, imho, more than double the scope of any Anim8or film project which uses only one sound track.

that was a mouthfull

back me up, someone.

If you do decide to add this steve, the 2nd track could be hidden, by default, and accessed through options -> ?
Couple of thoughts while i'm at it, which may be bordering on getting that can-opener a bit close to the can, but not actually opening it
-When using 2 soundtracks, its sometimes handy to be able to 'mute' 1 or both tracks, usually done with a button on the track 'header(?)'.
and.....i see that sound plays when selecting just a section of the timeframes, thats really cool, and so handy when trying to sync to a waveform thats lacking some obvious peaks.
Another very handy piece of kit, related, is if the sound plays frame by frame. (using fwd and bck arrow keys) Very good when trying to locate exactly when that 'phoneme' shape lands, or, 'sounds'.
Some food for thought anyway,
I do think a 2nd 'basic' soundtrack would be a really good idea.