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Topics - BOB_I_Ts

Pages: [1]
ASL Scripts / f8ce v0.9 plugin
« on: June 06, 2010, 02:56:04 pm »
f8ce is a plugin attempt at creating quick easy lowpoly humanoid characters with as many variation options as possible

Version 0.9 update

decreased poly count of model to
point 1964
edge 3918
face 1956

~shape changes again but this time based on real life reference
~removed all body attributes
~re edit of uv wrap giving the head more pixel space
~new addition of parameters for real time edit from -100 to 100 limit:
gender : no change but real edit with z non uni scale
torso : effects size of rib cage grouped with normal scale
muscle : make character look more buff x non uni scale
weight : increase gut mass y non uni scale
spine : effect length of torso grouped with normal scale
also include upper lower arm and leg grouped with normal scale

Following Attribute tags below will effect f8ce v0.9 models appearance

How to edit f8ce:
A)Goto Object>Attributes ...
B)Click New button to bring up the name tag box
C1)Type in one of blue name tags above remember all are lower case fonts
C2)you donot need to add all tags but click new each time to add an attribute to the active object
D)Important in the TYPE tab enable "point", 3 value box's should enable from left to right are equal to x,y and z coordinate of each tagged region
E) The plugin attributes go by percentages from -100 to 100 percent . how ever there is no restriction limit for attributes
F) At present there is a refresh issue with attributes but you can .
Fa)double click the f8ce model and click ok button to refresh
Fb)select f8ce model and enable non-unform tool then adjust one of the parameters with mouse
Fc) delete and recreate f8ce model

~attribute change donnot refresh unless plugin parameter is changed
~you cannot undo attributes but even if you delete the f8ce model saving file ensured attributes will be stored as well :D

how to install plugin : put f8ce.a8s in the script folder you assigned in anim8or>configure menu and wella plugin tool button will appear on side menu of object mode contains plugin , 1024xbmp uv template and f8ce9tester project file ,if you have older version than v0.9 i recommend overwriting or you wish to keep old plugin move it to different directory ,old saved projects i recommend deleting old reference to f8ce and recreating reference as v0.9  use different polycount

ASL Scripts / collapse points command
« on: May 30, 2010, 10:00:13 pm »
Being non-programmer ive come to understand basics of parametric script from great starter advice from asl masters like Kubajzz and Null.
But soon i hope to learn about the command types which seem to work in different way

im unsure how to begin with these push ,pop ,marked,unmarked (no idea) etc functions or how they work together in ASL ?

so to gain understanding how commands work in ASL  i request any simple examples

something simple like nudge X+10 command : select point or points and move them along x plain by + 10
should be enough to help

ASL Scripts / F8ce version .8 parametric plugin
« on: May 19, 2010, 07:42:04 pm »
f8ce is a plugin attempt at creating quick easy humanoid characters with as many variation options as possible

Version 0.8 update
recreated all shape changes
reversed direction of limb length to allow dwarfing of limbs
add uv data to script
fixed convert to subdivided bug and should no longer crash  8)
add parameter hand and foot scale[/youtube]]youtube view of f8ce Downlod also includes uv template bmp and f8cetester.an8

Following Attribute tags below will effect f8ce models appearance

How to edit f8ce:
A)Goto Object>Attributes ...
B)Click New button to bring up the name tag box
C1)Type in one of blue name tags above remember all are lower case fonts
C2)you donot need to add all tags but click new each time to add an attribute to the active object
D)Important in the TYPE tab enable "point", 3 value box's should enable from left to right are equal to x,y and z coordinate of each tagged region
E) The plugin attributes go by percentages from -100 to 100 percent . how ever there is no restriction limit for attributes
F) At present there is a refresh issue with attributes but you can .
Fa)double click the f8ce model and click ok button to refresh
Fb)select f8ce model and enable non-unform tool then adjust one of the parameters with mouse
Fc) delete and recreate f8ce model

~attribute change donnot refresh unless plugin parameter is changed
~you cannot undo attributes
~even if you delete the f8ce model saving file the attributes will be stored  :D

I feel the f8ce is practically complete so now i will allow rest of anim8ors who are maybe interested in getting involved with this plugin to improve on it (this dl is for ASL users log in to get the plugin on its own)
file contains
f8cedata.an8 <-- attribute editing done through this
export_f8ce.a8s <-- converts the facedata.an8 into the f8ce plugin (copypaste.txt required)
copypaste.txt  <-- convert floats to attribute i was bit lazy and left this small chunk out of the exporter but im sure much more experience als master could improve the exporter to scan per meshkind instead of named strings

ASL Scripts / Request cammands related to uv data !
« on: May 14, 2010, 01:08:14 am »
I am unsure if such commands are around yet ! anyway theory's are

first command
Unlike loop cut and detached face command the the detach points would unweld selected points keeping model in tacked yet splitting all edges attached to point like a ...banana peal generating new points in same position keeping faces intact.

What use is this , This would be first step allowing user to unwrap there models within (morph target mode) to create a more advance custom uv wrap simply by enable decal map when complete.

Next one would be another command mesh point index to uv grid coordinates ,unwrap model to a predefined x,y 0 and 100 grid in world coordinates with in ratio of each uv / point 2 data of each point ignoring z locations ,reason for z being ignored will allow user to work out which point belongs to other ,as user can simply use flatten command when complete no need to alter z

ASL Scripts / Trinity exporter
« on: March 28, 2010, 07:06:32 pm »
the assistant script is complete i was trying to think of new name for it and trinity seems to fit this plugin perfectly


recommender for advanced anim8or users

what does it do ?

Trinity V 1 exports object between 2 other morphs using the same 3d wirecage and convert the object into parameteric object, "part of f8ce.a8s plugin was originally made using this script"[/youtube]]Youtube preview of trinity

How to export and get the trinity parameteric object to work

unlike morph targets the export script base the parameters on 3 seperate models that share same vertice structure (wirecage)
cage = wirecage
morph1 = 2nd mesh which share same wirecage as above
morph2 = 3rd mesh which share same wirecage as above

1 create a primary object wirecage mesh rename it to cage
2 copy paste two new objects and reshape them by naming them morph1 and morph2

here is a simple example : exampletrin.an8

Note remember to locate objects to centre of origin befor export
Note script does note export uv texture data

ASL Scripts / F8ce primitive
« on: March 27, 2010, 05:22:36 pm »
F8ce 3d character designer plugin for anim8or v0.97d + which allow user to change multiple body parts of the model using the attribute editor

f8ce version 7

reduced polygon count
tweaked proportions
add gender 0 for male 100 for female pre-set into the parameter properties
add skull tag (making it 61 variables :o )
new tool button

Plugin zip includes f8cetester.an8 to preview some random characters made when i was testing it

Attribute tags (all lower case)

How to edit f8ce:
A)Goto Object>Attributes ...
B)Click New button to bring up the name tag box
C1)Type in one of blue name tags above remember all are lower case fonts
C2)click new each time to add an attribute to active object
D)In the TYPE tab enable "point", 3 value box's should appear box from left to right are equal to x,y and z coordinate of each taged region
E) The plugin attributes go by percentages from 0.0 to 100. how ever there is no restriction limit you can even use negative percentages as well
F) At present there is a refresh issue with attributes but you can .
Fa)double click the f8ce model and click ok button to refresh
Fb)select f8ce model and enable non-unform tool then adjust the gender parameter along the x axis
Fc) delete and recreate f8ce model

Commen issues
Positive if you delete f8cea then recreate f8ce plugin the attributes stored will be remembered so if you delete model and save the file the shape is not lost
Negative : loading save file the attribute needs to be refreshed by step F above
Negative remember attributes are not supported with undo command
Negative Converting f8ce for unknown reason can cause anim8or to crash ,A solution is to export to 3ds then reimport back

debug(reason for crash found 0 uvCoords  "texcoords {}" is missing from an8 save file after convert parametric to mesh) ! so when i add texture coordinates to script it should no longer crash

Any feed back on its improvement is welcome , hope you enjoy it ;)

ASL Scripts / assistant~script reverse normals !
« on: March 22, 2010, 11:10:12 am »
i made mini script to help reduce amount of time to put coordinates into a8s script it works perfect for the task it was indented but the vertexn  output has the sequence in reverse so faces on the generate data are flipped around the wrong way?

here is the assistant script originaly based from looking at the code in Steves obj export script
Code: [Select]
/* assistant script v0.02 ~ object mesh wirecage must match to work on final a8s*/
#plugin("object", "export", "a8s quicky", ".txt");
#file($output, "text");
file $output;
int $result;

object $curObject;
shape $shape;
meshdata $mdata,$mdat1,$mdat2;
int $numPoints,$numfaces,$numsides;
int $totalP,$totaln;
int $ii,$jj;
int $tshape;
point3 $point,$m1,$m2,$m1f,$m2f;
float4x4 $transp;
string $aname,$bname,$cname;

/*(search mesh by name temp code) */

$aname = "cage";
$bname = "morph1";
$cname = "morph2";

for $tshape = 0 to 2 do {
if ($tshape == 0 ) {
$shape = project.curObject.LookupShape($aname);
if ($tshape == 1 ) {
$shape = project.curObject.LookupShape($bname);
if ($tshape == 2 ) {
$shape = project.curObject.LookupShape($cname);

$curObject = project.curObject; /*access the active object mode !*/
$output.print("#object \"%s\":\n",$; /*this line not needed in final script*/
$mdata = $shape.GetMeshData(); /*shape load the data*/
$transp = $shape.GetGlobalTransform(); /*transp search the data matrix !*/
$numPoints = $mdata.GetNumPoints(); /*counts the points*/

for $ii = 0 to $numPoints - 1 do {
$point = $mdata.GetPoint($ii);
$point = $transp.Project($point);
$output.print("$p.x = %.6g ; $p.y = %.6g ; $p.z = %.6g ; $index[",$point);
$output.print("%d", $ii);
$output.print("] = $face.AddPoint($p); \n");

$numfaces = $mdata.GetNumFaces();

for $ii = 0 to $numfaces - 1 do {
$numsides = $mdata.GetNumSides($ii);
for $jj =  0 to $numsides -1 step 1 do {
$output.print("%d",$mdata.GetFacePointIndex($ii,$jj) );
$output.print("$face.CloseFace(); \n");


current planning v0.3

~ reminder find out how to get script to print font (") to files
~ add a8s parameters to exported file

goal = (cage coordinate) +/- (morph cordinate) * by  100 = #parameter 

~finding the morph should go somthing like !
if ($point.x > $m1.x ) {
$m1f = $point.x - $m1.x;

if ($point.x < $m1.x ) {
$m1f = $point.x - $m1.x;


edit: haven't had time to play with scripts have an abandoned siberian husky pup which isnt  house trained yet keeping me on constantly on my toes ...much more difficult than a german shepherd to house train :'(

hi im new to 3d  ;D not but has been a while since i have
first model WIP in anim8or v9.7c
non sub-d mesh is based from the reference image in background so its not completely anatomically correct

non sub-d face has become plugin f8ce project click here ---> F8ceBodyWIP.an8 to see current progress

ASL Scripts / !Attributes
« on: March 13, 2010, 12:38:03 am »
I notice attributes editor in anim8or see that it is use for rendering.

can attributes be used to change values in asl scripts as well if plugin required more than 10 parameters ?

ASL Scripts / flat planes : generate in rows and column
« on: March 11, 2010, 05:20:38 pm »
Hello Anim8ors been long while since i have been involved with code or 3d modeling ,*shakes fist at MMO's for making me forget every thing

any way i thought i try refresh my mind on a8s
i want to create a simple flat plane with division attributes

just example of 3 x 3 grid and vertice # order
current script which attempted to do above failed in console

Code: [Select]
#plugin("object", "mesh", "gridtest");
#parameter("x division", int, 3, 1, 10);
#parameter("z division", int, 3, 1, 10);
#parameter("X scale", float, 40, 2, 1000.0,scale,scale_x);
#parameter("z scale", float, 40, 2, 1000.0,scale,scale_z);
#button(24, 24, 2, 0x0000000000, 0x0000000000, 0x0000000000, 0x0000000000,

0x0000001800, 0x0000000000, 0x0000000000, 0x0000001800, 0x0000001800,

0x0000001800, 0x0000001800, 0x0000001800, 0x0000001800, 0x0000001800,

0x0000001800, 0x0000001800, 0x0000001800, 0x0000001800, 0x0000000000,


shape $grid;
float $xs,$zs,$stepx,$stepz; 
int $xd,$zd,$index[201],$i,$j,$k,$l;
point3 $p;

$xd = parameter("x division");
$zd = parameter("z division");
$xs = parameter("X scale");
$zs = parameter("z scale");

$stepx = $xs/$xd;
$stepz = $zs/$zd;
$l = 1;


$index[$k] = $grid.AddPoint($p);

for $i = 1 to ($xd + 1) do {

$index[$k] = $grid.AddPoint($p);

for $j = 1 to $zd do {
$p.z = $p.z + $stepz;
$index[$k] = $grid.AddPoint($p);
$i = 1;


$p.x = $l * $stepx;
$l = + 1;
$p.z = 0;

/* temp code faces should fill first cell */
$grid.OpenFace(0, 4);
edit : fixed typos in code

How would we go about fixing this code !?.

ASL Scripts / 9 shape scripts
« on: December 21, 2007, 06:58:09 am »

four wall is a basic frame shape allows you to even offset the border's of the frame

archway can be used to make archways betweenwalls

cog wheel shape with many parameters can set from 3 upto 50 teeth

Lshape this shape can be very useful for making interia for 3d buildings

3d pi chart shape also good for making pac-man with just a few clicks  ;D

roof basic prism shape top point can be off set to make ramps/slopes !

slope die-angle shape gues could be used for struts !

stair shape that has hight length and width parameters and can have upto 50 steps or just set to 1 and have cube with alignment to bottom corner
uv block is cube with cubic mapping orientated to anim8ors viewpoints which can be scale useing non-uniform scale tool from active front viewpoint

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