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Messages - sagedavis

Pages: [1] 2 3
Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Avi materials
« on: November 29, 2008, 11:05:29 pm »
Actually, if I remember correctly, several months back, in the older forum, Steve mentioned something like the following.

In order to decode an AVI file, he would have to either buy a license to a package, or build one from scratch. The building of which, I am sure is no small project.

I am not sure if there are any free or open source libraries out now that he could adapt, but, in my experience, even adapting packages to your project is a huge undertaking.

And, I agree, terranim8or does use a method that takes up power, however, it's the only method it can take.

render your avi then use jashaka or wax to edit. Both have some pretty easy ways to import 3d objects and use avi as their materials.

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Sugestion to add new option
« on: November 29, 2008, 10:54:13 pm »
Goram, Actually, VB gave you a hint, and I'll expand on this a little bit.
The green screen technique is used all the time in movies and can easily be used with anim8or.

Set your background to green and make a shadow receiving (but not casting) green plane.
Now you can render your video and the shadow should be there.
You can now easily edit the video to make the green color transparent in your video editing software.
All the major NLE programs will allow this technique, including many of the free ones.

Remember, there aren't many things you can use 3d rendering programs for other than, games, still images, and video, so, chances are someone here has dealt with the same thing. Perhaps one of us has even used your exact NLE and can help you further.


General Anim8or Forum / Re: VISTA: Bad Working Directory For Scripts?
« on: November 29, 2008, 10:29:46 pm »
um so, did you stick that dll in your anim8or directory? Did it make it work?
Would be nice to know, if it did, which one it was and where to get it?
I just got vista as I was forced to buy a new laptop. No problems yet, but cryptic posts aren't really helpful to those of us who are vista-clueless.

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Metal Materials.
« on: October 21, 2008, 07:31:14 pm »
Actually, you can't make a script that adds them because these materials use the ART attributes. Currently, they are not supported in ASL from what I understand.

I tried that, and even posted my results but later realized that the attributes where not there.

ASL Scripts / Re: ASL and working with materials
« on: October 16, 2008, 12:59:23 am »
sort of.

so, taking your snippet for instance.
line one is just declaring that you are going to use a variable $proj, of type project. Line two sets the varialbe $proj to always refer to the predefined variable project (current project).

Since you're a web developer, if I were to put this into PHP terms, it would be the equivilant of saying.

var $proj;
$proj = project;

of course, we can shorten this in PHP to
var $proj = project;
I don't assume we can do the same in ASL?
or casting like
$proj = (project) project;

Thanks for the help Kubajzz.. I've only slightly tinkered with ASL before, but, I'm a PHP (oop), javascript and vb programmer, so, I can speak in those terms (though my vb skills are sort of weak).


ASL Scripts / Sage ASL collection
« on: October 14, 2008, 10:48:41 pm »
Since Kubajzz had started a little tool box of his own, I thought it would be cool to begin a small collection of my own as well. Having them on this board all in one place is pretty neat. Perhaps larger collections could get stikied up so that they can be found every time.

This is my first contribution (well, my first one to be added to this new board at least)

Over at VBSmiles posted some really great metalic materials to use with ART for really great metallic effects.

I took the liberty of using the export_materials tool to convert that set into a materials script. The export_materials tool only attaches them to an object at the moment, so, I edited the script to appear in the "file" tab of the material editor so that you can use them throughout your project.


EDIT: unfortunately, this one did not export the attributes that made these items so awesome, I'll work on editing them to get those in. Perhaps Bob_its will edit (or allow me to mess with) the export script to try to figure out how to include those items.

ASL Scripts / Re: ASL and working with materials
« on: October 14, 2008, 10:30:48 pm »
ok, never mind, I figured this out. I still don't get why this works, but, I'll explain what I did.

If you replace all instances of $obj with the word project and get rid of line 1 and 3 of the code, it works.

This is kind of weird to me, because you should be able to make $obj equal project, but I couldn't figure out how to do that.

Any thoughts?

ASL Scripts / ASL and working with materials
« on: October 14, 2008, 09:55:01 pm »
I have been working with the materials script to export materials to a .a8s file.

I notice that when I import my exported script, it imports them to the object tab (rather than the file tab) of the material editor.

I would prefer my palet to be global so that I can import it once and use it for any object.
So, when I export my materials in the "File" tab, I don't get any material, but, I do if it's attached to the object tab.
Her's what I get.
/* basic Material script for Anim8or 0.97d beta
object $obj;
material $mat;
$obj = project.curObject;
$mat = $obj.NewMaterial ( "Gold");
$mat.LockAmbiantDiffuse = 0;
$mat.SetAmbiantColor ((0.957 , 0.831 , 0.498 ));
$mat.Ka = 0.300;
$mat.SetDiffuseColor ((0.957 , 0.831 , 0.498 ));
$mat.Kd = 1.000;
$mat.SetSpecularColor ((1 , 1 , 1 ));
$mat.Ks = 0.500;
$mat.SetEmissiveColor ((0 , 0 , 0 ));
$mat.Ke = 0.000;
$mat.roughness = 3.00;
$mat.brilliance = 10.000;
$mat.alpha = 1.00;
$mat = $obj.NewMaterial ( "Brass");
$mat.LockAmbiantDiffuse = 0;
$mat.SetAmbiantColor ((0.929 , 0.725 , 0.192 ));
$mat.Ka = 0.300;
$mat.SetDiffuseColor ((0.929 , 0.725 , 0.192 ));
$mat.Kd = 1.000;
$mat.SetSpecularColor ((1 , 1 , 1 ));
$mat.Ks = 0.500;
$mat.SetEmissiveColor ((0 , 0 , 0 ));
$mat.Ke = 0.000;
$mat.roughness = 3.00;
$mat.brilliance = 10.000;
$mat.alpha = 1.00;
$mat = $obj.NewMaterial ( "Copper");
$mat.LockAmbiantDiffuse = 0;
$mat.SetAmbiantColor ((0.875 , 0.353 , 0.129 ));
$mat.Ka = 0.300;
$mat.SetDiffuseColor ((0.875 , 0.353 , 0.129 ));
$mat.Kd = 0.700;
$mat.SetSpecularColor ((1 , 1 , 1 ));
$mat.Ks = 0.600;
$mat.SetEmissiveColor ((0 , 0 , 0 ));
$mat.Ke = 0.000;
$mat.roughness = 0.60;
$mat.brilliance = 1.800;
$mat.alpha = 1.00;
$mat = $obj.NewMaterial ( "Silver");
$mat.LockAmbiantDiffuse = 0;
$mat.SetAmbiantColor ((0.714 , 0.714 , 0.8 ));
$mat.Ka = 0.300;
$mat.SetDiffuseColor ((0.714 , 0.714 , 0.8 ));
$mat.Kd = 1.000;
$mat.SetSpecularColor ((1 , 1 , 1 ));
$mat.Ks = 0.500;
$mat.SetEmissiveColor ((0 , 0 , 0 ));
$mat.Ke = 0.000;
$mat.roughness = 3.00;
$mat.brilliance = 6.000;
$mat.alpha = 1.00;
$mat = $obj.NewMaterial ( "Steel");
$mat.LockAmbiantDiffuse = 0;
$mat.SetAmbiantColor ((0.878 , 0.878 , 0.878 ));
$mat.Ka = 0.300;
$mat.SetDiffuseColor ((0.878 , 0.878 , 0.878 ));
$mat.Kd = 0.700;
$mat.SetSpecularColor ((1 , 1 , 1 ));
$mat.Ks = 0.400;
$mat.SetEmissiveColor ((0 , 0 , 0 ));
$mat.Ke = 0.000;
$mat.roughness = 8.00;
$mat.brilliance = 2.000;
$mat.alpha = 1.00;
$mat = $obj.NewMaterial ( "Alien Green");
$mat.LockAmbiantDiffuse = 0;
$mat.SetAmbiantColor ((0.00392 , 0.408 , 0.00392 ));
$mat.Ka = 0.300;
$mat.SetDiffuseColor ((0.0118 , 0.851 , 0.0118 ));
$mat.Kd = 0.700;
$mat.SetSpecularColor ((1 , 1 , 1 ));
$mat.Ks = 0.400;
$mat.SetEmissiveColor ((0 , 0 , 0 ));
$mat.Ke = 0.000;
$mat.roughness = 3.00;
$mat.brilliance = 10.000;
$mat.alpha = 1.00;

Is there anything I can change in this to get it to send to the file tab in the script editor? I tried changing the first line "object $obj;" to read "file $obj;"
I am assuming that $obj is a variable and this line would be like saying $obj = object;

ASL Scripts / Re: IconCreator for ASL
« on: October 14, 2008, 09:25:46 pm »
very cool. I don't know if anim8or works still with older versions of windows (2000 or whatever), but, if it does, for those who might be on anything pre xp, IE 7 is not available to them. So, if you happen to be in that group of people, I highly recommend getting FireFox.
Kubajzz, you may be interested in a project I started a few years ago at it's a php/mysql site to link to anim8or related programs and tutorials. It's pretty bear bones, but, it's cool.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: combine camera views in a movie
« on: October 13, 2008, 09:06:32 pm »
I assume you were talking about in anim8or.
the answer to that is no.
What you need to do is render your cameras seperately, and then use some video editing software to do the picture in picture stuff (putting the two together.
I believe Ulead to be non freeware.
For some good freeware video editing software, check out and both are very good, and I use both.

ASL Scripts / Re: IconCreator for ASL
« on: October 13, 2008, 08:55:22 pm »
I'm a programmer and our customer base uses all sorts of different browsers, so, I do a lot of testing in other browsers. If you are using windows xp, you can have multiple standalone versions of IE for testing.
We use that at work.

ASL Scripts / Re: IconCreator for ASL
« on: October 13, 2008, 01:32:52 am »
Excellent tool!!!
I do use plugicon when I want to do use an image (which is most of the time) but, for those other times, I will be using your plugin.

PS... For cross browser compatability, you might try mootools, or prototype (I use both for development at work, and love them).


edit:: Tested in IE6, IE7, FireFox2, FireFox3... works fine in all except that in IE6, I the preview is a bit messed up. Other than that, it still gives the right code for ASL buttons.

ASL Scripts / Re: Kubajzz's toolbox
« on: October 13, 2008, 01:20:41 am »
Thanks, it's great to have these all in one place. Now when you update them, we can easily get to them.

These are fantastic tools, perhaps not something that I need for all of my projects, but at least they are great to have in the tool box.
Thanks for all your work on it.

ASL Scripts / Re: Kubajzz's toolbox
« on: October 12, 2008, 07:09:45 pm »
These are fantastic tools ;)
Can I make a suggestion?
go to your first post and click "modify", then you can do a brief write up on each of these scripts and a link to them all, so that folks can get them all at one time without having to remember which post it was that had them.
Thanks again for the cool scripts

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Suggestion - Relative Path - and
« on: October 12, 2008, 06:52:11 pm »
Steve, thanks, you're too cool for, not only providing anim8or for free, but also being flexible with some of our wants.
I have used .ini files for stand alone programs, to get rid of registry usage. I don't suspect that it would slow anything down, but, it's possible that it might.

as a non programmer, or at least non windows programmer, I would see it being something like anim8or knows what folder it is in, and you can use subfolders of it's folder. Probably not an easy task, but, I've seen it done.
I use which use the same technique. They provide sourcecode, so, you might be able to grab some ideas from there.
Thanks again for all of your hard work.

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