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Topics - startrekfan001

Pages: [1]
ASL Scripts / simple particle generation?
« on: May 12, 2008, 04:07:02 am »
just occured to me, isnt it possible to use scripts to have tools like the particle plugin from terranim8or work directly in anim8or? then maybe we'd get particle systems in anim8or  :)

i dont want to be annoying, but it's just so much easier when the particles are editable in anim8or :P

guess it isnt possible tough, i guess someone would have made one by now if it was....

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Bright and Shiny with ART
« on: May 08, 2008, 07:41:18 am »
I didn't really want to open up a new topic for this, but oh wth. Why not make this a merged thread for everyone who makes jewelry. Show off your own diamonds and jewelry here!! when you click the thumbnail, you can click the image that pops up again to make it larger. its size is 1280*1024.

edit: the triangle structure in the image is the logo of my website. it aint even released yet but wth.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / The X303 Prometheus
« on: May 04, 2008, 01:36:55 pm »
Well, what'dya think?

it's my first successfully finished highpoly mesh.

i'm not a programmer so this probably makes no sense, however it might be of use.

It just occured to me that to create soft shadows, you might as well render out a hard shadow map, apply gaussian blur to it and then apply the soft map to the scene. this way you get soft shadows too. This method should work much faster as gaussian blur is quite a fast script.

did this make sense?  :D

Pages: [1]