This seems pretty straightforward, since it is only a variation on the chain_maker. I don't think I understand everything you are saying, though.
"copypath" is the name of the spline you want to follow.
"copytarget" is what you want to copy along the spline.
What is the 10 and 1 for? The 10 is replaced by what - a count of how many times it is copied?
How would you handle the orientation of copytarget? What would copytarget's origin be in relation to copypath? What is the distance between copies of copytarget? These questions are important because you must calculate the size (length) of copytarget to space it along copypath.
Once these questions are answered, I can turn out the script pretty fast.
The 10 is how much space is in between the objects. a value of 1 and they would be close together. a value of 10 and they would be spread out. so the "10 would be replaced with the length of the object.
I forgot to explain the "1" in my above post. the 1 would be whether to rotate the object with the spline, like the links in the chain script. 1 would be yes and 0 would be no.
I you decide to make it a parametric, though, listen to hihosilvers advice. those 2 variables could be used in the parametric.
karate, the 10 and 1 wouldn't matter. NickE can make an option to change the spacing between the options if it were to be parametric, as well as the size perhaps? It would be nice if you could do 2 objects as well, kind of like you did with the chain script. Then, we could create our own fancy chains if need be.
the 2 objects could be done easily if you join the solids.
Personally I would think that the lead of the object would be the top and the butt would be the bottom of the object. Can you use an object that's floating around, or does it have to be centered at the origin?
I agree with orientation of the object. the object would probobly have to be centered to it's own origin to work properly.