Some thoughts on A, B and C.
D, F and G are sounding good.
E might be related to thoughts further below.
The phoneme track clears out any keys that are: 1) within +/- 1 frame something in the phoneme track, and 2) are used in the phoneme track. Then the keys form the track are added.
This poses several design issues:
Is the phoneme track leaning towards being a little too 'involved' with the phoneme keys manually inserted by the user into the time track.?
please read further...C) What is the best way to handle other, user added keys that conflict with phoneme keys?
I think they need to behave 'as one' as much as possible, but with absolute precedence given to 'user defined' keys.
Don't allow 'Lip sync tool' added morphs/keys to change any already existing keys. (except, maybe, to overwrite if it lands on an existing key)
Lip sync tool is excellent to 'mark' which shape goes where and when.
Anim8or lip sync tool is doing that now, which is a huge help.
If it can actually add the key(s) as well, then yes, that is very good, but guaranteed it will need tweaking keys, (hooray graph editor), and 'moving keys', here and there. to get it right.
I don't believe there is
any automatic lipsync software that can get it looking as natural as keying manually.
For a 'convincing, life like' lip sync, you will always need to be able to edit keys. in the timetrack, and graph editor.
I would like to talk about popping again, sorry. but its relevant to:
A) Values other that 1.0 and 0.0 are needed.
So, when keys are added to the timeframe, using the lipsync tool,are they not added as just ordinary keys? 'off(0)-on(1)-off(0)'
To avoid popping, there will need to be 1 frame between the first 'off(0)' and the 'on(1)'
If this frame is left empty, won't it just travel at a natural strength/curve value, as do ordinary strength values change between 1 key frame value and another?
Note: you can make phonemes longer than one frame in the dialog where you add a phoneme to the track
Yes, that holds the morph at 1, but again, there needs to be an empty frame at the end, between the 1 value and the 0 value, if you want to eliminate the popping.
With the lipsync tool, I honestly believe that if you can add a default keyframe pattern. of:
'0 - empty frame - 1 - (held if lengthened in the dialog) -1- empty frame - 0',
then it will work better than
any lip sync apps i've seen.
The keys should be added as ordinary keys, and not even necessarilly 'physically' connected to the Letter in the phoneme track, once the phoneme, (and 3 keys), have been added.
(maybe the main value key can still have a relationship with the phoneme track letter. but only to the point of deleting, if the key is deleted from the track. (and vice versa?),
B) Overlapping phonemes could be useful where one is transitioning into the other.
Absolutley. And without any real physical connection between phoneme track and phoneme key, after the 3 keys are added, could that not then allow overlapping transitions, because they're just more keys on a seperate track, editable and readable as any other overlapping morph keys?